Thursday, April 06, 2006

Errr . . .

Ok so here is yesterdays story about Katie Couric leaving the Today Show . . . its official . . . she'll be leaving at the end of May . . . she's moving over to CBS . . . to host the CBS Nightly News . . . this is all good . . although it would be nice to find out whos gonna be replacing her on the Today show . . I'll miss Katie . . It just wont be the same without her . . . anyways . . . last nite was the results show for American Idol . . . and they voted off Mandisa . . . I thought she did really well too . . . too bad, I guess Im partly to blame cuz I didnt vote for her . . . I voted for Kelly Pickler, Paris, Katharine Mc Phee, and Buckey Covington . . . he kinda grew on me . . didnt much like him at the beginning of the season . . but he did really well singing a country song . . . Him and Kelly Pickler did the best . . . well anyways . . . to my disappointment . . . I missed recording Heist last nite . . . do to a time schedule shift . . . used to be that Idol was on before Heist so I could record them both on TiVo . . . now they overlap and I can only record one . . . that sux . . I hate it . . Im willing to be its becuz of some kinda Neilson Ratings scam too . . . they are probably trying to find out who watches what and who gets more viewers . . . Im working on a fix for next week so I can record both programs . . . well on a good note . . today was payday . . . and last nite we had hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch . . . this was nice . . . they did this cuz we had gone 45 days without any accidents . . . anyways . . . enough of my rantings for now . . . until next post . . . lata . . .

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