Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Save money by switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs

I was just about to write a blog post about compact fluorescent bulbs and how I put them all over my house to save energy. I WAS, until I took a look around my house and realized the job was only 1/2 done.

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Unknown said...

Most CFLs today on the market contain less than 5mgs of mercury and there are CFL options out there that contain as little as 1.5mgs of mercury- which can hardly be called a “significant amounts of mercury” considering that many item in your home contain 100s of times more of mercury including your computer. Mercury levels in CFLs can never be “nonexistent” since mercury is a necessary component of a CFL and there is no other known element that is capable of replacing it. But CFLs actually prevent more mercury from entering the environment. According to the Union of Concerned Scientist, “a coal-fired power plant will emit about four times more mercury to keep an incandescent bulb glowing, compared with a CFL of the same light output”.