uses now has "netcasts" instead of podcasts. Is this because of the recent lawsuits from Apple
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006 uses "Netcast" instead of "Podcast" like Leo Laporte
Antimatter discovery could launch new era of physics
The discovery that a bizarre particle travels between the real world of matter and the spooky realm of antimatter 3 trillion times a second may open the door to a new era of physics, Fermilab researchers announced Monday.
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42% Americans: Bush Administration Manipulated Gas Prices
Almost half of all Americans believe the November elections have more influence than market forces. For them, the plunge at the pump is about politics, not economics
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Lime Wire Sues RIAA for Antitrust Violations
In Arista v. Lime Wire, in Manhattan federal court, Lime Wire has filed its answer and interposed counterclaims against the RIAA for antitrust violations, consumer fraud, and other misconduct, alleging that the big music labels have been conspiring to destroy competition in digital music.
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MPAA campaign makes piracy seem totally badass
In addition to being able to download songs and movies you will: A - become an outlaw B - be given free porn (so easy you don't even have to search for it) C - piss off your parents D - have access to tons of financial and personal data, and then get to watch a gnarly virus destory everything!! The kid's face on the poster is priceless.
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No Warrant? No Search. Oppose Bush Legislation to spy on
With electronic surveillance, government may be able to prevent terrorist attacks. But that power, left unchecked, also permits the government to spy on everyone else. From harassing people for "suspicious" behavior, to outright blackmail of political opponents, government power is easily abused. This Specter-Cheney bill is a bad deal for Americans
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Getting nutrients: Vitamins better than food?
Vitamins — and minerals — are micronutrients found in some foods. Although they are in small amounts, they’re a powerful group of substances that help our bodies grow, develop, and thrive. Each and every vitamin and mineral plays a distinct role in maintaining our good health. And while people should ideally get their daily dose through a well-balanced diet, in some cases supplementation should be considered. Here’s a list of some vital vitamins and supplements and the best way to get them in your diet.
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
New anti-terrorism rules will require children to have passports
New anti-terrorism rules will for the first time soon require American children under the age of 16 to obtain U.S. passports to return home by air or sea from visits to Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean. The passport requirement will affect an estimated 557,000 children, according to the customs agency.
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101 Ways to Cut Your Daily Costs
From cutting out your daily Starbucks run to cleaning out extra weight in your trunk for better gas milage, these tips will help you save in some pretty surprising ways...
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"Iraq War Has Made Terror Worse" - US Intel Agencies
According to the National Intelligence Estimate, a report from all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, the war in Iraq has made global terrorism worse by fanning Islamic radicalism and providing a training ground for terrorists who are being exported to other countries. This contradicts the Neocon theory about "fighting them over there."
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Clinton Interviewed on Fox News Sunday
This is the first 20 minutes of Bill Clinton’s interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. In this clip, Wallace asks Clinton why he didn’t do more to capture or kill Osama bin Laden while he was in office. Clinton clearly feels like he has been set up and doesn’t hold back in telling Wallace just how he feels. full transcript here: |
filed under Bill Clinton, Fox News, Politics Sphere: Related Content
Monday, September 25, 2006
Internet Shopping 2.0 takes Lead from Digg
Crowdstorm: Users recommend products, and the crowd defines the best products by agreeing or not. Good products go to the top of the list, weak products disappear. Sounds like Digg but for consumer products instead of news.
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hurry! Over 340 Years of Landmark Science Available For First Time
The complete archive of the Royal Society journals, including some of the most significant scientific papers ever published since 1665, is now freely available electronically for a two month period. Among them is Edmund Halley's, Isaac Newton, Hawking, Einstein, Watson and Crick, etc.
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Lesson for Students: The Best Debt Is None
We're told over and over again that student loans are good debt. The conventional wisdom says that, like a home loan, student loan debt will turn into an asset. But what happens when it doesn't turn out that way? What happens when people take on tens of thousands of dollars in loans that may take decades to pay off?
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Lighting technology: The light bulb is synonymous with invention
How long does it take to change a light bulb? The answer is 131 years. That is the amount of time that will have elapsed between when Thomas Edison first demonstrated his incandescent light bulb, and 2010, when semiconductor-based light-emitting diodes are expected to have made significant inroads into general illumination.
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China Will Force IPv6 Switch
While luddite American bureaucrats argue over how to best protect US telecom monopolies, spy on users, and create innovative new tax schemes, China is already transitioning to a next-generation internet based around IPv6. The US has to catch up quickly, or lose the internet dominance it still currently enjoys.
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PDF Online - Free PDF Conversion
Support most document formats.
PDF Online supports MSWord DOC to PDF, Excel XLS to PDF, Powerpoint PPT to PDF, Text TXT to PDF, HTML to PDF, most image formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, etc) to PDF, and much more.
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MP3myMP3 Recorder saves any audio you hear on your computer
Record internet radio and save to mp3 or wav. Record streaming audio from the Internet, microphone, or any other source for that matter. MP3myMP3 Recorder works directly with your system sound card - if you can hear it, you can record it
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The Internet Address Book
Find and be found
Find people on the Internet and make it possible for others to find you (together with all your Internet addresses!)
Manage your network
Create your personal Internet Address Book in which to keep all your Internet addresses and those of your friends
Discover new networks
Keep up to date with the latest (social) networks,
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
How Much Does It Cost To Run Your PC? You may be surprised
Most people speculate that running my PC 24/7 may cost about 10 dollars per month. However, with increasing fuel / electricity prices, this new estimation may surprise you.
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Who Really Has the Largest Cellular Network?
You've seen the commercials. You've heard the debates. You can't go a week without hearing Verizon, Cingular, or Sprint claim to have the biggest or fastest wireless network in America... or sometimes all three of them! So who's right?
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FULL TRANSCRIPT: Clinton Takes On Fox News
President Bill Clinton taped an interview with Fox News which is to be aired Sunday. He was told the interview would focus on his nonpartisan efforts to raise over $7 billion to combat the world's biggest problems. Wallace attempted to smear Clinton with the same misinformation contained in ABC's Path to 9/11. Clinton was having none of it.
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JVC's new VCR upscales VHS to HD 1080i! Really.
"It seems unlikely that anyone who's invested in a nice big HDTV is hanging on to their old VHS collection, but for the one or two out there that refuses to toss their taped-off-HBO copy of Back to the Future, JVC offers this VHS/DVD player that upscales your crappy-quality movies to 1080i." It also has a DVD-Recorder, the HD-VHS thing is a bonus.
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Another Reason To Hate Bank of America
Man Jailed by Bank of America for trying to verify a check. BOA apologizes but won't pay one cent of his $14,000 in Legal Fees.
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Teen CEO of Podcast Firm Gets Early Start on American Dream
Weina Scott answers about 100 tech support e-mails a day. The Web site must be perfect -- one glitch, and 6,000 irate customers will bombard her inbox. First, though, she has to study her physics. At age 17, Weina is the chief executive of her own Web-based podcast hosting company and makes an annual salary of US$40,000 for working 20 hours a week.
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Steve Jobs is 49th Richest American with 4.9 Billion
King of the iPods sold his Pixar Animation hit factory to Disney for $7.4 billion in May. Today Jobs is Disney's largest shareholder; stake worth $4 billion.
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Walmart says "Serious Ramifications" if Studios Hopped in Bed with Apple
His message, according to a studio exec involved in the discussions: that there would be "serious ramifications" if the studios hopped in bed with Apple. The situation between Bentonville and Hollywood has gotten so heated and so high-level that Jobs recently phoned Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott to ask him to moderate his stance, according to a source.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
For Bush, cheaper gas is premium
When it comes to Bush's approval rating, one factor seems more powerful than any Oval Office address or legislative initiative. It's the price of a gallon of gas. Statisticians who have compared changes in gas prices and Bush's ratings through his presidency have found when gas prices rise, his ratings fall. As gas prices fall, his ratings rise.
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Munich Begins to Switch Windows Out for Linux
Munich has begun its migration to Linux on the desktop, a year later than planned and nearly three years since the city announced its move to open source software. Since Tuesday, the first 100 of the city's 14,000 PCs have been switched from Microsoft's Windows operating system and Office applications to Linux and OpenOffice.
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Billionaires only: The 400 Richest Americans
A nine-figure fortune won't get you much mention these days, at least not here. This year, for the first time, everyone in The Forbes 400 has at least $1 billion. The collective net worth of the nation's wealthiest climbed $120 billion, to $1.25 trillion.
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filed under Business, Finance, Billionaires Sphere: Related Content
Nerd, Geek, or Dork what are you (Quite Accurate!)
Take this fun test to find out what you are.
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Simply Search Every Video Site launched today, developed using Open Source code, allows users to search almost every possible video site on the web in a nice ajax format.
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What YouTube is really worth
YouTube has lost $20 million since its birth a year ago, but so what? The world's fastest-growing media company could go public soon and could be worth $600 million to $1 billion.
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50 Smartest things to do with your money
How to earn more, save more, invest better, spend wisely and protect your family. The 50 smart money moves below are as close to sure things as you can get.
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Zebo: A Freaky Social Networking Site
Michael Calore writes about Zebo, a strange idea for a social networking site. "Zebo now has 4.9 million global users. The social networking site that asks members to list what possessions they own launched last week. Zebo was even profiled in The New York Times, and in that article, their membership number was cited at 4 million."
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Is social networking changing the way people relate to each other?
For some people, things move from "I have a feeling, I want to call a friend" to "I want to feel something, I need to make a call". In either case, what is not being cultivated is the ability to be alone and to manage and contain one's emotions. Technology brings us to the point where we're used to sharing our thoughts and feelings and what next?
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How Tweaked Firefox Lets You Surf Internet Without a Trace
Every few minutes, the Torpark browser causes a computer's IP address to appear to change. IP addresses are numeric identifier given to computers on the Internet. The number can be used along with other data to potentially track down a user, as many Web sites keep track of IP addresses.
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Torpark: EFF's modified, anonymising version of Firefox
Torpark is a modified version of Firefox that automatically routes you through the EFF's TOR servers, thereby anonymising everything you do online.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Steve Irwins Daughter Bindi
Moving speech given by Bindi Irwin about her Dad
at his Tribute 20 sep 2006
filed under Steve Irwin, Bindi, Crocodile Hunter
Create and Store your own Buttons
Nice drop and drag web buttons, Share your designs with the community.
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How to lose your fear of being fired
The risk of being fired is the biggest axe a company or a manager holdes over employees' heads. It's a mostly unstated, but well-known fact of working life that if you as an employee get too far out of line, you'll be fired. Or terminated/axed/given the chop - don't you just love those terms, with their unsubtle flavor of death?
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Russian sites using new IE bug to install spyware
Hackers are taking advantage of a newly discovered vulnerability in Internet Explorer (IE) to install spyware on PCs that visit a number of Russian pornography sites.
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Despite Rumors, Black Hole Factory Will Not Destroy Earth
Scientists could generate a black hole as often as every second when the world's most powerful particle accelerator comes online in 2007. But don't worry, they say.
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T-Mobile Wins Large Chunks of 3G Spectrum, What Does This Means To You?
In a recent auction hosted by the FCC, T-Mobile won a large chunk of the 1700MHz and 2100Mhz band, which is used 3G data communications. What does mean to you?
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Top 10 Free Linux Games
For some reason, there is a constant mindset that there are not many games for Linux when in fact there are many. I don't mean the small ones that are included with GNOME or KDE, but full blown projects that deliver captivating and deep game play experiences.
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RECORD Marijuana arrests exceed arrests for all violent crimes combined
The total number of marijuana arrests in the U.S. for 2005 far exceeded the total number of arrests in the U.S. for all violent crimes combined, including murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.
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New Citizendium to correct Wikipedia's wrongs?
Citizendium will begin life as a "progressive fork" of Wikipedia, taking all of its launch content from the infamous online encyclopedia.
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Is Antivirus Ready for Open Source?
ClamAV claims that the open source process enables it to respond to new malware threats quicker than the commercial antivirus vendors. In fact, on any given day, the group will publish a dozen or so new definitions protecting its users against the latest viruses, worms, and Trojans.
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Toshiba to recall Sony laptop batteries
Toshiba is recalling 340,000 laptop batteries worldwide made by Sony Corp , the latest in a series of problems for the company. The defect is not directly related to the problem behind last month's recall of Sony batteries by Dell Inc. and Apple Computer Inc., which cited concerns that the batteries could overheat and catch fire.
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USBCELL Batteries That Recharge Through Your USB Port
Moixa Energy have developed the USBCELL as an environmentally-friendly alternative to normal AA batteries. The top of one side flips up to reveal a USB connector, and the battery simply plugs into an open port.
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Apple sells 125,000 movie downloads in first week
Walt Disney chief executive Robert Iger said on Tuesday the company sold 125,000 movie downloads worth $1 million in revenue through Apple Computer's iTunes Store during the offering's first week. The entertainment conglomerate, which placed 75 movies for download on iTunes last week, expects the movie downloads to generate $50m in year one.
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Gas Prices in Perspective
Gas prices haunt Americans. The price of a barrel of oil and a gallon of gas are daily news items. Drivers groan as they watch the gas pump price gauge count past $40 (or $50, or $100), although being able to punch in their phone number or swipe a card to get a three cent discount makes them feel like children on Christmas.
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Bored? Try Chatting With Some Random Person!
This cool little web app lets you chat with a completely random person on the web. A cool way to socialize off your workday!
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The Social Bookmarking Face Off
The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up?
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String Theory Hanging on by a Thread?
String theory is on the ropes. After decades of prominence as the key to physics' elusive "theory of everything," challengers say the hypothesis is unraveling. Why? Because there haven't been experiments to prove it and there don't seem to be any on the horizon.
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Code cracking is the new pot of gold
If you think the password protection on your MS Word file is keeping it safe from prying eyes, you're wrong. The time it takes to crack password-protected Microsoft Office files has tumbled from a 25-day average to a matter of seconds, thanks to a decades-old code-cracking technique that until recently was not viable.
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10 ways to get the most pay out of your job
Want a bigger paycheck? It may not be as hard as you think. A lot of people assume that more pay can come only from winning a promotion, or finding a new job elsewhere. But there are ways, large and small, to put more money in your pocket each week. Separately, these strategies may not be enough to change your life. But together they add up
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Congress Considering Strip Searching Students
Imagine an America in which school officials could strip search every student in their school based on the unsubstantiated tip that one of them might have a joint. Congress is voting on a bill Tuesday or Wednesday that could make these police state tactics more common.
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TDK's 32GB Solid State Disk
Samsung's been hogging the Solid State Disk limelight for months with their 32GB SSD first peeped at CeBIT. So it does our invisible hand some good to hear TDK launch their version of the 32GB SSD, albeit in sample quantities only for the time being.
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Armed man suicide attack at Capitol U.S. crashes through barricade
An armed man crashed his vehicle into a security barricade at the U.S. Capitol on Monday, ran into the building and was arrested, forcing the complex to briefly be locked down, authorities said.
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Why Warner Music is coming to YouTube
Warner has done more than just "seen the light"; the music behemoth has had a full-blown, Damascus Road-style conversion when it comes to the Internet. Giving music videos away?
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How long are your MiniDV tapes and DVDs good for?
Chances are, somewhere in your household either in an attic, a closet, or bottom of a dresser drawer there resides the pictorial history of your family. You trust it to remain safe there. Time may slowly fade them, but photos will remain more or less in tact through the years. Your modern day video albums may not be so safe.
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The US Constitution: A Very Inconvenient Document?
Delineating and thereby limiting the powers of the central government is, in fact, the main function of the founding document. But while teaching kids the Constitution is an admirable goal, the very radical nature of the document raises questions as to whether the government schools as currently constituted are a reasonable choice to do the job.
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Original Resizr Online Image Resizing Tool
This tool lets you resize your JPG, PNG, or GIF files, with output in JPG or PNG. Quality is adjustable (for JPG). It's designed to be extremely easy to use, for people who can't use photoshop. It's got a neat little javascript image scaler, too. Note, a recent digg story showed a bad copy of this.
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How to synchronize Outlook with Google Calendar, Gmail, iPod, others
This is a tutorial (with diagram) on how to synchronize Microsoft Outlook (multiple locations), Google Calendar, Gmail, iPod, and mobile phone with Funambol / ScheduleWorld.
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Retrieve Serial Numbers or CD Keys from your computer
KeyFinder Thing is a simple utility to retrieve the Serial numbers or CD Keys of Microsoft software installed on your system. It includes options to export the list of found keys and a search option to find keys not included by default....
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Superdollar - The Almost Perfect Fake
Superdollar: North Korea's Almost Perfect Counterfeit. The superdollar is the name given to an almost perfect counterfeit of the US banknote, believed to be produced by North Korea in the late 1980s. The superdollar notes were so good that even experts were fooled for years
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World record for magnetic recording density
record-breaking 421Gb/sq. inch data density, which should allow for 500GB 2.5-inch notebook drives, 2.5TB 3.5-inch desktop drives, and 1-inch to 1.8-inch consumer electronics drives that can store between 40GB and an impressive 275GB, starting in 2009.
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Toshiba Readies New HD DVD Players
The devices, which will be available soon, will offer better picture quality than earlier models.
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The Carbonite Solution to Online Backups
We've been tracking online storage for nearly a year, and for good reason. As the PC becomes the center of our digital lives, having backups of email, photos, videos and music becomes increasingly important.
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RFID-enabled smart shelves heading into stores
These shelves will be able to track whether you debated the PSP over the DS lite, whether you wanted the high end version but opted for the low end because of price and what items were popular amongst consumers and which were not.
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George Bush is in trouble
Bush is trying to change the laws he has already broken
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Blu-ray a disaster for Sony?
The Hollywood studios aren't liking Blu-ray. What does this mean for the PS3?
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Shoppers Avoid Spinach in E. Coli Scare
Shoppers changed their buying habits Saturday as spinach was pulled from grocery store shelves because of the outbreak of E. coli bacteria that had killed one person and sickened nearly 100 others.
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750 gigs of storage. $279. Seagate
750 gigs is an awful lot to put on one disk, but if it floats your boat...
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Talk to MSN Messenger Users from Google Talk
GTalk2VoIP is a site that promises to transform Google Talk into a full VoIP application, so you can call from Google Talk to a phone number or from a phone number to Google Talk. Another interesting thing you can do is to talk to a MSN Messenger
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Welcoming MS Windows users to Linux
This article by a relatively new user of Linux takes a look at the typical expectations and challenges of transitioning from Windows to Linux, and makes some sensible recommendations.
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Credit card displays become reality
Credit card security will be given a huge boost with embedded credit card displays and two factor authentication.
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Walmart about to wage organic milk war
"Now organic milk is about to become much more widely available, as Wal-Mart rolls out its own organic brand, which will be cheaper than similar milk on the market. But critics worry that what consumers will be getting is a diluted form of organic milk."
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Parents: The Weakest Link in the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Parents have a monumental effect on their children's health. The problem is that many young parents have learned their eating habits from the fast food culture and pass them down to their children. Parents should do their part in fixing the obesity epidemic by teaching their children sound, healthy lifestyles.
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Ford Restructuring Slashes $5 Billion in Costs
Ford Motor Co. will cut one-third of its white-collar jobs, offer its 75,000 hourly workers packages of incentives to leave the company and sell or shut down all of its underperforming parts-making plants over the next 16 months as part of a turnaround plan that the No. 2 automaker says will slash operating costs by $5 billion.
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10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now
Knowing a handful of programming languages is seen by many as a harbor in a job market storm, solid skills that will be marketable.
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Sphere: Related ContentDVD chips 'to kill illegal copying'
DVDs will soon be tracked with embedded radio transmitter chips to prevent copying and piracy, according to the company which makes movie discs for Warner, Disney, Fox and other major studios.
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Gas Prices Down, Inflation Pressures Ease, Stocks Up Big
The market cheered news from the Labor Department that the consumer price index rose 0.2% in August, after a 0.4% gain in July. Core CPI, which excludes food and energy, also increased by 0.2%. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch, on average, had been expecting CPI to rise 0.3% and core CPI to be up 0.2%.
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Spinach blamed for e.coli outbreak
An outbreak of E. coli in eight states has left at least one person dead and 50 others sick, federal health officials said Thursday in warning consumers not to eat bagged fresh spinach.
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Airport security tries to take final Harry Potter book from JK Rowling
J.K. Rowling says she won an argument with airport security officials in New York to carry the manuscript of the final "Harry Potter" book as carry-on baggage. "A large part of it is handwritten and there was no copy of anything I had done while in the U.S."
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US Mint Claims NORFED Are Federal Criminals
In a stunning development in the private currency movement, the US Mint today announced that the Justice Department has declared that the National Organization for Repeal of the FEDeral Reserve Act (NORFED), its widely known Liberty Dollars, and anyone who uses Liberty Dollars in commercial transactions, is in violation of federal law.
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California to Ban Drivers From Holding Cell Phones
California will become the fourth state to ban motorists from holding cell phones while driving, under legislation Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he would sign into law Friday. Under the new law, which does not take effect until July 2008, Californians risk a minimum $20 fine for driving while talking into a phone...
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Woman arrested for MySpace Murder-for-hire
A 22-year-old woman was arrested after authorities say she tried to hire someone to kill another woman whose photo appeared on her boyfriend's Web page. She was arrested after she met an undercover Mesa police detective at a grocery store, gave the officer $400 and offered to pay an additional $100 once the woman had been killed.
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Linux Desktop Ready, Says Mainstream Media
The Sydney Morning Herald recently featured an article espousing the virtues of desktop Linux. 'Linux is shedding its hard-core techie image in a bid to woo ordinary human beings seeking an easy-to-use operating system that can be downloaded for free.'
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Free 25GB Online Storage
AMD LIVE! Media Vault gives you a private and secure place to upload, store, access, and share your personal videos, photos, movies, music, and files. Store files securely on the web. Get 25 GBs of FREE online storage.
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Blufr: Do You Know B.S. When You See It?
Blufr is a cool little site that makes true and false questions about history, science, geography and other topics. Some of the statements are true and some are bluffs (untrue), if you can tell which are which you win points and climb up the Blufr scoreboard.
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Have your favourite web videos on your mobile.
From Google Video, YouTube to your phone in 3 easy steps
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How to Burn a Three Terabyte CD
A new nano-optical device can focus laser light tighter than traditional optics, which could lead to higher-density data storage.
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ABC relaunches online media player with hit shows, affiliate support
After a successful test run this spring, ABC is rolling out next-day online distribution nationwide for some of its most successful shows.
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Western Digital: 1st first Perpendicular Drive, The 160GB Scorpio
This 160GB HDD matches Fujitsu's MHW2160BH, but lacks the space found in Toshiba's offering, though we're certainly not ones to complain about more competition. The specs aren't anything extraordinary, as it sports 8MB of cache, 150 MB/s transfer speeds,
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Consumers less than impressed with new high definition DVDs
High-definition DVDs are supposed to provide sharp, wide-screen images to fill the more than 30 million HD television sets that have been sold. They are also meant to replace standard definition DVDs, providing studios with a new source of profits.
But after much anticipation, the two competing formats have debuted to a big yawn.
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Steal From Walmart, Have Walmart Ship it to Your Home, Sell It On Ebay
Police put a stop to Steven Rex Larsen's eBay business last week when they arrested the 42-year-old man on charges of shoplifting and trafficking in stolen property. Police said Larsen walked into Wal-Mart, 4505 E. McKellips Road, on Sept. 7 with a large cardboard box and headed to the electronics department. He reportedly put 48 DVDs [...]
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How to Upgrade, Repair, Disassemble a Mobile (Cellular) Phone
"Need to repair your mobile (cellular) phone? Need to fix a broken display? Want to know what chips are actually inside your mobile phone? Or just in the mood of modding your mobile gadget? Here is a collection of links to take apart instructions, disassembly pictures, upgrade and repair manuals, as well as do-it-yourself (DIY) tips..."
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Free downloads of LOST, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy on iTunes
It's promo time! In an attempt to woo new customers ABC is giving away free copies of last season's finales of Lost, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy
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Boot a Dead PC with Nothing but a Thumb Drive
The USB key drive, also known as a flash or thumb drive, is most commonly deployed as a storage or backup utility. But with a few simple conversion steps, you can transform any key drive into a full-blown rescue and recovery tool. In this Recipe, I'll take you through those steps.
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Dog the Bounty Hunter, Duane Chapman, arrested
Along with two family members while on the hunt in Mexico, bra.
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MySpace, YouTube targeted by Universal Music Group
YouTube and MySpace may be next on the music industry's hit list, according to Universal Music Group CEO Doug Morris. Labelling them "copyright infringers,
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NSA Bill Radically Expands Warrant-less Gov't Eavesdropping
A bill radically redefining and expanding the government's ability to eavesdrop and search the houses of American citizens without court approval passed a key Senate committee Wednesday, and may be voted on by the full Senate as early as next week.
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Decriminalize Pot: Prison Room Needed for Pedophiles & Politicians
Texas Ind. gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman for the decriminalization of marijuana to avoid further clogging state prisons with nonviolent offenders. "We've got to clear some of the room out of the prisons so we can put the bad guys in there, like the pedophiles and the politicians," said Friedman, a humorist and author.
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Warrantless Wiretapping by Bush Approved by Senate Committee
"This bill is all about authorizing the President to invade the homes, e-mails and telephone conversations of American citizens in ways that are expressly forbidden by law," Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.), ranking Democratic member on the committee, said in a statement released by his office today.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Microsoft Launches the Zune Today!
WiFi, 30GB of HDD, built-in FM, a 3-inch screen and the basic music, pictures and video playback. They also finally let slip the screen res -- an unsurprising QVGA -- and some better news on the codec front: the Zune supports h.264, MP3, AAC and WMA.
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MySpace: We'll Crush YouTube
As if we needed more proof of MySpace's intolerance of outside development, News Corp. chief operating officer Peter Chernin told investors at an industry conference today that since much of YouTube's traffic comes from MySpace, it's time to cut out the middle man.
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Carbon Fiber Which is 5x Stronger Than Steel and 2x as Stiff....
Is becoming vogue. Its use and demand are rising and this has many implications.
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The sad state of American broadband
Looking at the statistics contained in the report, we discover that the US is 16th in the world in terms of broadband penetration and 15th in rate of growth. As of December 2005, the US had approximately 16 broadband subscribers for every 100 inhabitants.
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'Girls Gone Wild' firm fined $1.2 million
Company pleads guilty for failing to "create and maintain age and identity documents for performers in sexually explicit films" Under the agreement, founder Joseph Francis agrees to plead guilty to offenses and pay fines and restitution totaling $2.1 million.
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Wal-Mart Plans to Add RFID to 500 More Stores
Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, says it will double the number of stores using RFID to more than 1,000 by January 2007.
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DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than On 9/11
Numbers: 3,015 Americans died (military deaths) as of September 9, 2006. 2,973 Americans died during the attacks on 9/11. - "Iraq didn't attack us on that day, and our misguided policy there has now taken more American lives than Al Qaeda."
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Live Linux CD News
This is a great distro-watch site dedicated to Live Linux CDs and related news.
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Why Sudoku makes your brain ache
No wonder Sudoku puzzles give your brain a good work-out. Scientists say solving them depends on neural pathways that even the most powerful computers can't replicate. They say that by studying how people solve the puzzles, we might be able to develop more intelligent and brain-like computers.
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New IBM Technology: Encrypts SS numbers & Credit Card Info
IBM on Tuesday unveiled new technology it says will help curb the growing problem of businesses exposing sensitive consumer data, either through theft or carelessness, that's routinely stored on their computer networks.
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Torrent Site Goes 2.0
Been a long time user of Snarf-It and now that they've gone to version 2.0 of their code thought I'd share it. It indexes virtually every other torrent site on the web, has no popups or scamware (rare these days) and is pretty fast considering all the graphics and goodies in there. Check it out.
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NYTimes: LonelyGirl Revealed
"The woman who plays lonelygirl15, whose first-person videos are among the most-viewed on the clip-sharing Web site YouTube, has been identified as Jessica Rose, a twentyish resident of New Zealand and Los Angeles and a graduate of the New York Film Academy."
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Is hurting Linux? is not the official Linux website, but millions of people believe it is. Is it a nice, modern, exciting page fostering Linux adoption? Hardly so. Even worse, far too many energies seem to be dedicated to raising money in a way that may even hurt the Linux image... I guess you have to turn adblock off for this one.
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XDrive Is Finally Offering 5GB Of Storage For Free
The competition for data storage has now begun because AOL has finally released a free 5GB to their users. Anyone can signup for the service on the Xdrive site but I am sure a lot of people are still going to be skeptical just because the name AOL is attached to it.
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Hack to Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Professional
Enable the features found in Windows XP Professional on your Windows XP Home Edition installation with this hack.
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Walkthrough: iTunes 7's big new features
Organizing, shopping, syncing - everything got a lot of attention from Apple's software engineers and, as you'll see throughout this walkthrough, a lot of polish has been applied to make this one of the most significant updates in recent iTunes history.
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YouTube Gets Bandwidth Boost from Level 3
Level 3 will provide big-pipe 10GigE connectivity to help the the video portal YouTube keep up with its rapid growth.
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eDonkey Gets Shut Down
According to court documents filed today MetaMachine, the company behind eDonkey, has agreed to pay a $30 million dollar settlement to the RIAA and cease distribution of its eDonkey, eDonkey 2000, Overnet and other software versions.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Super-Fast Internet to Debut This Year
South Korea, the world's most wired nation, continues to push the envelope on the speed of the broadband Internet and looks set to make 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) a commercial possibility.
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Convenient disposable email address
Next up is a brilliant resource for helping you to avoid the unwanted spam associated with registering your e-mail address on unreliable sites.
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Dark Energy and Dark Matter The Results of Flawed Physics
There are few scientific concepts as intriguing and mysterious as dark energy and dark matter, said to make up as much as 95% of all the energy and matter in the universe. Even though scientists don't know what either is and have little evidence to prove they exist, dark energy and dark matter are two of the biggest research problems in physics.
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Bar Codes for the Web
A 2-dimensional barcode. These barcodes contain data that can be decoded using the Smartpox reader. You can create a Smartpox tag using a URL, an email address, a telephone number, or just plain text.
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Crude Oil Prices Sink Below $66 a Barrel
"Light, sweet crude for October delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange fell 60 cents to $65.65 a barrel in electronic trading by midday in Europe. The contract had fallen $1.07 Friday to settle at $66.25 a barrel -- the lowest closing price since finishing at $66.23 on April 6."
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Samsung makes possible 32 and 64GB CompactFlash cards
Samsung announced today that it has developed the world's first 40-nanometer memory device, allowing for 32 and 64GB CompactFlash cards. According to the company's press release, the new design uses a Charge Trap Flash architecture, which "reduces inter-cell noise levels.
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80 Percent of PS3s to be High End Sku
Sony told analysts last week that roughly 80 percent of the Playstation 3s they ship to stores will be of the premuim, 60GB, built-in WiFi, variety with the remaining 20 percent being the core, 20 GB version, Next-Gen is reporting.
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The Bible goes Web 2.0
eBible, a free web 2.0 site with "live" searching of the Bible, commentaries and references is out of beta and open to the public. Check out the link to take a tour and sign up if you're interested.
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FineTune -Create your own Playlist, Listen and Share with Others!
Finetune is all about good music. It's a web based service that lets you create playlists that you like, listen to them online and share it with your friends. You can choose from 2 million sound tracks that already in Finetune library. I'm pretty sure that there is no change you won't find something that you like in a big music collection like that
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Gasoline prices take plunge as driving season comes to end
"Gasoline prices plunged more than 21 cents a gallon over the past two weeks to a national average of $2.66 amid an abundant supply of fuel at service stations, a national survey said Sunday."
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GNU/Linux on Laptops
"Although most laptops nowadays tend to scare people off with an ugly 'Designed for Windows XP' mark, it does not mean that alternative OSes, like GNU/Linux cannot be installed and function equally well. In this article I would like to describe a few common issues with Linux on laptops and maybe bust a few myths about using GNU/Linux on laptops.
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Microsoft Launches Desktop Feed Reader
Microsoft has added a desktop feed reader to its Max photo viewing and sharing software.
To use Max you must be on a Windows machine running the new Windows .NET Framework 3.0 RC1 (it will self install if you are on a previous version).
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Blogmusik -- Listen to Music Online in a Virtual iPod
Check out this extremely beautiful Flash based application!
It will allow you to search for your favorite's song and listen to the music online. Plus you'll navigate through the sound tracks in a familiar way, Like a virtual iPod.
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Konqueror: the Linux Killer App
This short article introduces some interesting features of Konqueror that may have escaped the casual user's notice.
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Original Simpsons Cartoons Free for Download
The Simpsons began as a series of animated shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show. You can download all 48 episodes here.
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Hackers gain private information on all 642,720+ Second Life users
Linden Labs has forced a password reset for every one of its 642,720+ residents after it was revealed hackers gained access to the entire user database. Customer service will not begin to address password issues until Monday, September 11.
(the news story link is a "blog" because that is the "official" lines of communications from Linden Labs
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Webwag - New Personalized Start Page
Webwag Is a new, very well designed, Ajax based start page.
Like Netvibes and Pageflakes, Webwag will allow you to gather all your personalized page and search in one place.
Webwag helps you to {{wag}} your web experience and to get the best use out of it.
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PC Magazine's Top 99 Undiscovered Web Sites
Think of us as the friends who are always forwarding you links to cool sites you'd never find on your own. That's who we aim to be with this list of 99 Undiscovered Web Sites, and that's who you'll be after reading it.
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The Best Web-Based Computer Applications
Welcome, boys and girls, to the computing world of tomorrow! Desktop programs are a thing of the past, replaced by free, simple, Web-based apps that do everything from spreadsheets to e-mail--and more!
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Programs that Grab, Convert, and Import Youtube videos into iTunes for free
The site presents two cool programs, iTube and PodTube (both free). One is for Windows users and the other is for Mac OS X users. So all iPod users are covered ... almost
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Students get Linux in class room
To learn more about the recently reported migration of computers in 12,500 high schools in the southern Indian state of Kerela from Windows to GNU/Linux, prompted largely by the recent visit to India of free software guru Richard M. Stallman, contacted Stallman for further details.
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First Shots of Paris Hilton being dragged off in Handcuffs!
Paris being shoved in the back of a cop car, handcuffed by a swarm of male officers. No, it's not her new porno... it's her getting arrested for her DUI.
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Amazon Unbox Launches - Download Movies and TV
Amazon's movie download site, called Unbox, appears to have gone live today. There's no link yet on the front page of Amazon, but the direct link at works. There is heavy DRM and the videos must be watched from a Windows PC.
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234 Free Vintage DOS Games and Playable Demos
It's amazing how far computer games have progressed. But have you ever felt the urge to take a trip back in time and relive the games of the eighties and nineties? Well now you can
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Why Is America 1.5 Years Behind Asia with Cellphones?
Culture is surely a part, as are the U.S. wireless carriers themselves. Consumers here tend to be multi-device users. They like a phone in their pocket, but there's also a laptop or desktop involved in daily computing...
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Thursday, September 07, 2006
Become a Power User
" can be used as a place to store bookmarks, share bookmarks, and discover web sites, blogs, downloads, and more, that would otherwise largely go unnoticed. Here are some of the ways to really harness the power of"
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Gaming Generation Have Different Approach to Learning
There's an old anthropologist's quote that goes along the lines of -- show me how the children played and I'll tell you how the society worked. The point being that play is a form of learning and the forms that play takes are intertwined closely with the way society/culture functions.
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Don't Keep All Your Data in One Stash
What happens to those beloved family photos or your extensive music collection if something should happen to your PC and your backup? Seagate is trying to solve the off-premises backup problem.
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Revealed: Face of Austrian Girl Held for 8 Years
The young Austrian woman imprisoned for 8 1/2 years in an underground cell "thought only of escape" during her entire ordeal, and once tried to jump out of her captor's car, she told a magazine and a newspaper in interviews published Wednesday.
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Anheuser-Busch to launch Web-based Bud.TV
Brewer Anheuser-Busch (Charts) announced Wednesday that it will launch a Web-based video network, named Bud.TV, in February. The company says it will feature new humorous webisodes, sporting events, consumer-generated content, field news reports, celebrity interviews, music downloads and comedian vignettes.
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Trojan utilizes Encrypting File System (EFS) to Protect Itself
Recently a trojan was seen to take advantage of EFS to protect itself and execute with administrative privileges. The trojan creates an administrator login account with a random name and random password. Using this login key pair it then encrypts the downloader component that it drops. It then creates a service that points to the encrypted file.
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Wanted: Assistant for Stephen Hawking
Renowned astrophysicist and best-selling author Stephen Hawking has announced he is looking for a graduate student to work for him one to two years. The candidate can earn about £23,500 and would likely join Hawking on his many travels abroad, according to a job posting on the university's Web site.
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Kids and Tech: How Much Is Too Much?
As technology creeps into more and more areas of consumers' everyday lives, risk of overexposure to gadgets, content, games and high-tech services rises. How much is too much? This first article in a three-part series on the potential dangers of substantial exposure to technology focuses on the risk to infants and children.
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Get up on time was never that easy. software out, Web based applications, IN!
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Global Project Builds Sharpest Eye on Universe
High on the driest desert on the planet, an army of international scientists is assembling Earth's most powerful observatory to search for the answers of the universe. When completed -- around 2011 -- ALMA's will be the largest and most capable eye on the sky, expected to wield a resolution 10 times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope.
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Students & Moms Make Ends Meet As Strippers
"20/20' Goes Inside the World of 'Gentlemen's Clubs" "But as we listened to them talk about competing against other women and avoiding abuse and exploitation, we realized their stories were echoed not just by other dancers, but by women throughout the work force."
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PS3 PAL launch delayed to March 2007
SCEE have announced that the PS3 release date has slipped from November 17th 2006 to March 2007 - fun, anyone?
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Sony: PSP to get classic game download service
According to Kawanishi, the new service will work either through a PC with a broadband connection, or through the PlayStation 3 itself. The user will be able to download games designed for the original PlayStation 1, which according to the Sony head works well.
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Wireless HDMI Coming In November
The companies' first wireless HDMI setup is a standards-based system, predicated on the standards set forth by Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, and Sony in July of 2003. Other wireless HDMI technologies introduced to date have been proprietary, both Tzero and Analog Devices alleged.
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What It Means for the US Hit 300 Million Residents
Sometime in October the U.S. will join China and India in the very small club of countries with at least 300 million residents. This really is a big deal, like hitting 700 home runs in baseball. No other country is expected to reach the 300 million mark for at least 30 more years.
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Effects of Substance Use Spans Generations
In a long-term study conducted across three generations, researchers found that substance use in one generation was associated with problem behaviors and later substance use in the following generation. In turn, the substance use in the second generation was related to problem behaviors in the third generation.
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Play A Dozen Retro Video Games Online
Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Duck Hunt, Frogger, Moon Patrol, Pac Man, Pong, Simon, Space Invaders, Star Castle, Tetris, and Tic Tac Toe. *Quarters not required.
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Attention, Shoplifters
With $30 billion in theft, there's a revolution in surveillance systems.
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Mining Black Gold Off The Gulf Coast
(CBS) Chevron announced on Tuesday a record-breaking strike in the Gulf of Mexico. But it's not the only oil company looking for oil closer to home.
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Katie Couric's Big News Day Arrives
Tuesday is Katie Couric's good news day, with the 15-year Today show veteran set to make her bow as the new host of CBS Evening News, and TV's first-ever solo female anchor for a major broadcast network.
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Torrents, piracy and beyond: will the film industry survive?
"So the guys who started this business all cheated somebody to get there, and now they're being cheated, perhaps, by all these crazy, geeky people all over the internet. I must say, my anguish level is not great."
Richard Dreyfus
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The end of the American dream?
The US economy has been generating strong economic growth over the past few years as it has come out of recession. So far, though, little of that growth has translated into the hands of the average worker, according to new research from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).
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Anticipation Plays a Powerful Role in Human Memory
Psychologists have long known that memories of disturbing emotional events - such as an act of violence or the unexpected death of a loved one - are more vivid and deeply imprinted in the brain than mundane recollections of everyday matters.
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And The Best Antivirus Is� tested quite a few different software companies to see how they would stack up against each other. How did the 147,000+ virus test pan out? Here are the results
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Hiring jump helps ease economic slump fears
WASHINGTON - It wasn't exactly a national jobs fair, but more employers hung out -- Help Wanted -- signs in August. The hiring revival was sufficient to ease fears of an economic slump.
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Want change? Target leaders, not Wal-Mart
The folks worried about the middle-class squeeze should be picketing Congress and the White House, not Wal-Mart.
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It's time for a modern Boston Tea Party.
Unlike our patriot forbears, we do not have to resort to extreme measures. But we do need an uprising of the American public demanding that our elected representatives do their jobs. By e-mail, letters, phone calls or speaking out at town meetings, we must make our voices heard.
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160Mbps down / 120Mbps up cable speeds coming
Cable modem speed freaks, be patient. One analyst predicts that by 2011, only 40 percent of consumers will be able to take advantage of the higher speeds offered by DOCSIS 3.0. DOCSIS 3.0 achieves its speed boost in part through "channel bonding" (using more than one channel to transmit data) for both up- and downstream transmission.
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The computer spy that steals your passwords and credit details
ABOUT three weeks ago, Cheryl Lambert bought a £179 surfboard on eBay for her daughter. Soon after, she noticed her computer started to behave erratically and within a few days it had ground to a halt. A few days after her desktop machine was unplugged from the internet, Lambert�s personal details appeared on a Russian website.
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Monday, September 04, 2006
How BitTorrent Works
BitTorrent is a protocol that enables fast downloading of large files using minimum Internet bandwidth. It costs nothing to use and includes no spyware or pop-up advertising. This article examines how BitTorrent works and how it is different from other file-distribution methods. It also discusses BitTorrent's future on the Internet.
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Gmail as an MP3 jukebox
"I tend to email myself a lot of MP3s. Today, I did it for the first time using my Gmail account, and was pleasantly surprised to find an embedded play button directly in the mail item. Clicking on it brings up a Google Video style player that streams your MP3 from Gmail�s server."
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'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin killed by stingray
CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the "Crocodile Hunter," was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.
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One Watt Light Bulbs!
LED light bulb replacements are here! LEDison lamps are being used to replace 10 to 60w incandescent bulbs in commercial applications (like shopping malls). The LED lamps have ten times the service life of the incandescents they replace, and use only 1 watt!
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PC to Linux via USB OS, what to do when you need to borrow a friends PC
The experience is never pleasant - foreign desktop settings, grimy keyboards, crazy font sizes and odd wallpaper - it's liken to borrowing someone's swim trunks. If you're a Linux desktop user and are forced to use someone's Windows machine, the experience may be more on par with borrowing a toothbrush.
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Rock Music Boosts Your Brain Power
LONG suffering parents of adolescents might not agree, but scientists claim that listening to rock music can boost your brain power. Researchers at a Scottish university believe that contrary to received wisdom, children who listen to loud rock or pop music while swotting for exams are probably improving their chances of success.
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Want to Improve Education? Let Kids Sleep
This controversy over early school start times is raging in hundreds of communities today, pitting parents against unbending school bureaucracies. Surveys of teen's parents in school districts with early start times find that as many as 90% favor a later starting bell. Research confirms that lack of sleep in adolescents has become a problem.
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Sunday, September 03, 2006
Grappling Over Minimum Wage Builds
Some Republican lawmakers, particularly those facing tough re-election fights, want another chance to back an increase from the current $5.15 an hour, a move that would deprive Democrats of a major campaign talking point. "After 10 years, good grief, it's not like we're increasing it in a way that would cause unemployment."
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MySpace to sell music from nearly 3 million bands
The goal is to be one of the biggest digital music stores out there," MySpace co-founder Chris DeWolfe told Reuters. "Everyone we've spoken to definitely wants an alternative to iTunes and the iPod. MySpace could be that alternative.
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Going For Broke: How Ordinary Families Wind Up Bankrupt
Last year, the number of personal bankruptcies ballooned to two million as people rushed to beat last deadline for a new law that made it harder and more expensive for consumers to declare themselves broke. 90% of the families who file for bankruptcy do so following a job loss, a medical problem or a family torn apart by death or divorce.
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Partystrands aims to be + Digg for the jukebox
Partystrands is a music service launching next month that aims to bring together aggregated recommendations, voting and photos synchronized on location by mobile phone. Created by the Corvallis, Oregon and Barcellona, Spain based company MyStrands, PartyStrands is targeting bars and clubs. The site will go live on September 14th.
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There's nothing to celebrate this Labor Day.
Even though the economy generally is strong, as the White House proclaims, new data illustrates why President Bush's polls are low: Wages haven't been rising and workers are losing health coverage.
Surging productivity and corporate profits aren't making it to the working man like they have in the past.
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MySpace Not So Social Anymore
MySpace is no longer a social site, corporate spam-peddlers have taken over. Fake celebrity profiles, corporations posing as 13 yr-old girls to sell products, and a growing flood of ads is too much even for undemanding, noobish MySpace users. If something isn't done, it's only a matter of time before MySpace goes the way of AOL.
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Pioneer planning BDR-103 HD DVD/Blu-ray combo drive
"Pioneer announced plans at Berlin's IFA to manufacture the BDR-103 combo drive (followup to its BDR-101 and upcoming, CD-writing BDR-102 Blu-ray-only burners)."
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How Geniuses Work
According to conventional wisdom, geniuses are different from everyone else. They can think faster and better than other people. In addition, many people think that all that extra brainpower leads to eccentric or quirky behavior. And although geniuses are fairly easy to spot, defining exactly what makes one person a genius is a little trickier.
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New secure browser Browzar is fake and full of adware
Social news rave about Browzar - they claim it a new secure browser leaving no footprints. After looking at it closer, I found out that it's not a browser at all, and moreover, this software thrusts search via it's own PPC-SE full of ads on user.
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Friday, September 01, 2006
Buchanan: The US Used To Be "89 or 90 Percent White. I Like That Country"
Last night on Fox, Buchanan told Alan Colmes: "What I would like is -- I'd like the country I grew up in. It was a good country. I lived in Washington, D.C., 400,000 black folks, 400,000 white folks, in a country 89 or 90 percent white. I like that country." (Video)
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