Friday, June 06, 2008

Oil Prices Skyrocket, Taking Biggest Jump Ever

Oil prices had their biggest-ever jump on Friday, after a senior Israeli politician raised the specter of an attack on Iran and the dollar fell against the euro.

The gains on Friday capped a second day of strong gains on energy markets, and fueled suspicions that commodities might be caught in a speculative bubble.

Read NY Times Article

OK, so heres my damn opinion of this mess. These damn people have us by the balls and they know it. Gas is something that we all need to get around for transportation. The rising cost of gas is affecting every aspect of our lives today. From prices in Food, to the Interest rates you are getting from the banks, to the Housing industry being in a slump. When people can barely afford to pay for the gas they need and the food they need to put on the table what is this damn world coming to. Congress needs to get off their ass and do something now, instead of letting these damn people rape us. Ok, enough of my rant. Thanks for hearing me.

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