Friday, January 21, 2005

So Much to Write . . . .

Hey everyone . . . its been awhile since my last post . . . so let me catch you all up to date . . . I'll start by explainin' what happed at work last week . . . well Sergio done it . . . he pissed me off . . . I blew up at him on the sales floor . . . I told him "Why do you have to be such an Asshole to everybody?" to which he replied "It's my job." What an ass . . . . I had it with that guy . . . I had to go to management and explain what was goin' on . . . unfortunately I feel like she listened to me . . . but cant really do much about the Sergio situation . . . . oh well . . . we'll see what happens . . . . if nothing else . . . I'll transfer out to a different department . . . . well Microsoft did something good about a week or so ago . . . The acquired Giant . . . so now Microsoft is offering Anti-Spyware Beta for free . . . its the same thing Giant used to be but is free for now anyways . . . I'be been using it . . . . and really its an awesome product . . . . I surely hope they keep it free . . . . I saw Elektra the other day . . . when it first came out . . . day one . . . . first show . . . . I always did like to be first to see a new movie . . . . it was a pretty good turn out for around here too . . . usually when I go see a movie . . . not many ppl but me there . . . but Elektra had quite a few ppl at the first show . . . Season 3 of the Apprentice has begun . . . Donald Trump has already fired one of the applicants for the job . . . . LOL . . . . you know I find 3 things funny about that . . . first, I find it funny how the format for this season is . . . being High School Diplomas aka Street Marts vs College Grads with Degrees aka Book Smarts . . . second is a fact he stated when the show started . . . . The Streets Smarts groups' net worth is worth 3 times that of the Book Smarts group . . . LOL . . . and lastly . . . the Book Smarts were the first to lose and have to have a member of the team cut . . . Last nite at work had to be the nite from hell . . . we didnt get started throwin' freight until around 1 AM . . . an hr later than usual . . . and Segio couldnt do much besides bring out backstock that we didnt even need . . . what a worthless waist . . . to top that off . . . the end of the nite sucked . . . I got my damn toe ran over by a pallet jack . . . hurt like a mofo . . . Only 1 other thing on my list of things to talk about in this blog . . . and that is the US Ice Skating Nationals . . . Michelle Kwan took the gold . . . and set alot of records there . . . in Portland OR, about a week ago . . . nice performance if I do say so myself . . . . and Sasha Cohen . . . she took silver . . . and was spectacular as well . . . . but I must say . . . I think I have a new favorite . . . at only 15 this girl . . . Kimmie Meissner . . . shows wonderful raw talent . . . . she is simply amazing . . . . i see a wonderful future in store for her . . . many gold medals to come in the future . . . well . . . . I've run out of things to talk about for now . . . come back again sometime . . . I'll try and keep updatin' this as much as possible . . . God Bless You All . . . any of you that read my blog . . . until next time . . . this is me signin' off . . . .

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