Friday, November 12, 2004

Blah Blah Blah . . . .

Hey all . . . wzup . . . time for my weekly update . . .I've been sick the last couple of days . . . its sucks . . . I've been trying to get lots of rest and eat fruits and veggies . . . Well work is becoming a pain in the ass . . . LOL . . . funny how that can happen . . . Sergio is a jerk . . . this new boss man is starting to piss me off too . . . anyways . . . . . whenever Jaren is not around we do alot better . . . @ least that is what I have observed . . . . last nite I watched The OC . . . its still the same as I remember it from the first season . . . LOL . . .nothing has really changed since the last time I watched that show . . . Also the Apprentice was on last nite . . . Donald Trump fired another idiot . . . I just finished watching this thing from the History Channel . . . it was about surveilance technology . . . watch out everyone . . . we are being watched . . . LOL . . . Technology is so kewl tough . . . it is amazing what we can do today . . . Did you know that most new cell phones have a GPS tracking system built into them . . . LOL . . . just a kewl fact I picked up from the program . . . . anyways . . . I'll get back to ya again later . . . until next time . . . chow . . .

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