Well its official . . . we are heading into 2005 . . . Christmas was a big success . . . . Everyone loved their presents . . . . Im glad . . . it was nice to be with family yesterday . . . Harley liked his tools that I got him . . . my Dad likes his electronic tape measurer . . . . we had to get a 9 volt battery for that thing . . . it works really good though . . . . just point the laser and click . . . and instant measurement . . . . my sister Christine . . . . she really liked the Jewelry box I got for her . . . and my dads ex-wife Jan just loved the 5.1 Surround sound speaker system I got for her . . . overall Christmas was great . . . I still have lots of leftovers . . . Harley asked me if I was deprived of food as a child cuz I always buy so much food whenever I have anyone over . . . I would rather have an overabundance than be short and not have enough . . LOL . . . . you know I only finished my Christmas shopping the week b4 Christmas . . . I think I did pretty good . . . . what really hurts right now is tryin' to get back on track . . . financially that is . . . Christmas always puts me back . . . oh well . . . twas the season . . . . it only comes once a year . . . LOL . . . . well I hope you all have a Happy New Year . . . until then take care . . . .
Sphere: Related ContentSunday, December 26, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Whats New . . . .
Hey whats up everyone . . . yesterday was interesting . . . .
I recorded 4 episodes of The OC on DVD . . . and watched the season finale of The Apprentice . . . appearantly they plan on making 2 more seasons . . . Donald Trump must be really busy . . . . Anyways . . . after all this recording I was very tired from being up all day . . . Last nite I showed up 2 hrs late to work . . . it was the first time ever for me . . . . Im never late . . . . My Dad had to wake me up and ask me what I was doing home instead of at work . . . . anyways I called in and I hope everything is ok . . . Jaren seemed to take it pretty well . . . I just explained to him that my alarm never woke me up . . . I was exhausted . . . I think he understood . . . He just said that it was better that I showed up late than never . . . . I think he appreciated me calling in and letting him know what was up . . . anyways . . . I still have not yet gotten any Christmas presents for anyone yet . . . how much can one procrastinate . . . anyways I'll keep writing more when there is more to writa about . . . until next entry . . . later . . . .
Monday, December 13, 2004
Long time no post . . . .
Alright . . . last week I went to see Blade Trinity . . . . that movie rox . . . . If you liked the first and second Blade movies . . . You'll love this one . . . The special effects were amazing . . . very well done . . . . I bought a bunch of DVD-Rs for recording my movies to . . . . I was running out of DVD-RW disc . . . and Staples had Teon DVD-R disc on sale for like 5 bux . . . . it was a steal . . . . I got like 20 bux worth . . . . Right now Im recording "Joe Somebody" . . . . My DVR player recorded it yesterday . . . Im recording it to DVD now . . . then I'll add "Rollerball" to it . . . and finalize the Disc . . . . Work sux . . . . with the Holidayz here . . . its really a mess . . . . I havent even done any Christmas shopping yet . . . I dont got much extra cash this yr for X-Mas . . . Santas kinda poor this year . . . Spent his money elsewhere . . . . LOL . . . . well enough of my ranting for now . . . . I'll check back again and write more later . . . if you so feel check out this kewl website I found . . . . you can read some pretty funny stuff here . . .
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Long Overdue Entry . . . .
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . honestly the day after thanksgiving was pretty nice 4 me . . . I got out of work early . . . we (myself, my dad and my sister) went shopping . . . my sis picked up a bunch of presents for christmas . . . . my bro got some stuff for himself as well . . . a nice home theatre DVD system for only 80 bux . . . he got a bunch of kewl lookin' posters he put up around his living room too . . . . anyways . . . I got a nice DVD recorder machine . . . it rocks . . . . it records to any kind of media . . . DVDs and CDs . . . . Im not sure what Im gonna do with the other one I have . . . . I like the new one better . . . . I went to see "National Treasure" yesterday with my bro, my dad, and his ex wife . . . . my brother took us out to see it . . . . he was pretty tired afterwards . . . fell asleep over @ my place . . . I feel bad cuz I fell asleep too . . . and I was supposed to get him up for work . . . . I think he's still mad @ me . . . . It finally snowed up here the other day . . . snow is kewl . . . . I miss it . . . . I work out now with a couple of the guys from work once in awhile . . . I want to get around to doing it like 3 times a week or so . . . . I picked up a kewl game today for only like 10 bux . . . Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind . . . its supposed to be awesome . . . . I have yet to test it out . . . . Im gonna install it after writing all this stuff . . . . also I have to make some copies of a few recorded movies I have for my bro . . . . hes been waiting for them for awhile . . . . so I gotta get . . . . I'll write again soon . . . keep on reading . . . . and I'll keep on rambling . . . .
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Wzup . . . .
Hey all . . . whats new . . . . well . . . . I went to work out with a couple of the guys from work the other day . . . . it was kewl . . . . I was curling weights I didnt think I could . . . I was hurting yesterday tough so I took the day off from working out . . . . the last few nites . . . . One nite I did water . . . . the nite before that I was in Dairy . . . Dairy was kewl . . . except I screwed up on the milk . . . . oops . . . . oh well . . . . I got a package in the mail from my mom today . . . she sent a letter . . . I need to call her . . . shes been tryin' to get ahold of me . . . work has kept me so busy I havent had a chance to get back to her . . . . Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away . . . we are going over to my dads ex wifes house for Thanksgiving . . . everyone should be there . . . . it will be nice . . . . My dad just turned 58 the other day . . . . man . . . . hes doin' alright for his age . . . and takin' better care of himself . . . well . . . thats all I can think of to write for now . . . . I'll post again soon . . . . Later . . . .
Thursday, November 18, 2004
So Much To Write . . . .
Well I have alot of catch up to do . . . Let me start by going over I've been up to in the last week . . . . . well last week was not going very well @ work . . . . that later changed . . . but anyways . . . . last week I was feeling pretty beat up . . . . and a lil bit sick . . . so i was eating healthy food and stuff . . . . I bought an apple a banana and an orange . . . and Tara made a joke of it . . . I'll let you figure it out . . . . Man . . . I had to throw Pop and Water the other nite . . . or last week anyways . . . . I hurt so bad when I got home . . . . funny thing is I felt fine all nite and didnt hurt until I hit the bed . . . . then the pain just came over me all @ once . . . . I was soar all over . . . I was listening to the "Crystal Method" the other day . . . they rule . . . . I recorded the "Queen of the Damned" and "The Beverly Hillbillies" the other day . . . . on my DVR machine . . . . if you have never play Kingdom of Loathing . . . I suggest you try it . . . its very fun . . . I was playing it online the other day . . . . I had eggs and yogurt the other day for breakfast . . . as of recently Ive been making cereal every day . . . anyways . . . after working Pop and Water the next nite I worked Aisles 9 & 10 . . . . Aisle 9 is cereal . . . . I dont work that aisle very often . . . . On one of my days off last week . . . I went out to dinner @ my sisters work place . . . its a nice chinese restaurant . . . its called "The Far East" . . . . for 30 bux my dad, brother and I had enough food for 2 nites . . . . I recorded "Liar Liar" the other day on my DVD recorder . . . . that thing is so fun . . . . easy to use too . . . . just like a VCR . . . I also recorded "The Waterboy" on the same DVD . . . cuz I can put 2 movies on 1 DVD . . . 4 hrs of video on a single DVD is kewl . . . . yesterday I watched Bedazzled . . . and recorded it too . . . . I also have moved the computer from the living room to my room . . . I was tired of using my laptop . . . . I needed to have a working computer to use in my room . . . . I still plan on building a new computer sometime next year . . . . K-Mart and Sears became one company yesterday . . . smart move for them . . . they become the 3rd largest retailer in the US . . . very good move indeed . . . . They cancelled my favorite show on G4TechTV . . . I really dislike G4 . . . . this is the second time since the merge they have messed up my shows . . . . I really disliked it when they nixed my "Call for Help" . . . Leo Laporte is an awesome tech guy . . . . I was sad when Patrick Norton decided to leave "The Screensavers" . . . . and again I am saddened that his replacement . . . . Alex Albrecht has been let go . . . . it sux . . . . only Sarah and Kevin remain . . . and they are kewl . . . but now they are doing the rerun thing again . . . . who knows what G4 will do next . . . . anyways catching up to last nite . . . I worked over in frozen with Chad . . . cuz I finished early and they didnt have anyone to cover frozen last nite . . . brrrr is it cold in frozen . . . Today 4 Presidents met in Arkansas for the dedication of the Clinton Presidential Center/Library . . . First Carter Spoke . . . then Bush Sr. . . . Then Bush Jr. . . . . Then Clintons wife Hilary . . . Then the former President himself spoke . . . . It was pretty inspiring to see it . . . . anways . . . Im getting pretty tired . . . . and this has been a long entry . . . so I'll say farewell for now . . . until next post . . . Later . . . .
Friday, November 12, 2004
Blah Blah Blah . . . .
Hey all . . . wzup . . . time for my weekly update . . .I've been sick the last couple of days . . . its sucks . . . I've been trying to get lots of rest and eat fruits and veggies . . . Well work is becoming a pain in the ass . . . LOL . . . funny how that can happen . . . Sergio is a jerk . . . this new boss man is starting to piss me off too . . . anyways . . . . . whenever Jaren is not around we do alot better . . . @ least that is what I have observed . . . . last nite I watched The OC . . . its still the same as I remember it from the first season . . . LOL . . .nothing has really changed since the last time I watched that show . . . Also the Apprentice was on last nite . . . Donald Trump fired another idiot . . . I just finished watching this thing from the History Channel . . . it was about surveilance technology . . . watch out everyone . . . we are being watched . . . LOL . . . Technology is so kewl tough . . . it is amazing what we can do today . . . Did you know that most new cell phones have a GPS tracking system built into them . . . LOL . . . just a kewl fact I picked up from the program . . . . anyways . . . I'll get back to ya again later . . . until next time . . . chow . . .
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Arrrg . . . .
Well its official. . . . America has picked Bush . . . Im sorry for not keeping this thing updated very often . . .
I've just been busy @ work . . . its wearing me out already . . . I was watching Degrassi the other day on The-N . . . . Its a good show . . . also was watching MXC on SpikeTV the other day . . . that channel is kewl . . . work is killing me . . . last nite I had to go in late . . . to kill OT . . . and the result . . . we were behind all nite on the freight . . . . I got my new CPU the other day . . . doesnt matter though . . . I cant use it . . . the computer wont boot up with it . . . must have screwed up and got an incompatible processor . . . This laptop has gotten alot of use since I've lost the use of the desktop computer in my room . . . I put in an order for some DVD-R DVDs the other day . . . . when I get them I can start recording from my DVR to my DVD Recorder . . . make more room for recording stuff off the Satellite . . . Technology rules . . . Im a total techie junkie . . . keep on reading my post . . . and I'll keep writing . . . . Later . . . Dave . . .
Sunday, October 31, 2004
It's Halloween . . .
Hey everyone . . . what's up . . . I've got like 2 days to make up for so let me start off by saying last nite sucked at work . . . Nobody wanted to help me last nite . . . thats ok . . . we'll see how often I'll be helping them . . . . you know whats funny we had almost twice as much freight the nite before . . . and got out @ a decent time that day . . . . they are having this dress up costume contest going on @ work . . . did anyone catch that lunar eclipse a couple of dayz ago . . . I missed it . . . I'll have to wait until 2007 for the next one . . . Daylight savings was last nite . . . I ordered that CPU the other day . . . the one that I needed to get my computer back up and running . . .
its an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ . . . slightly better than my last chip that fried . . . I went grocery shopping yesterday . . . I spent about 85 bux . . . got alot of goodies . . . I ordered some more DVDs from Columbiahouse . . . I got the bill yesterday . . . they are not gonna send me the movies until I pay for them . . .
they are getting smarter . . LOL . . . I used to order from them all the time and tell them I would pay later . . .
which of course I always did . . . but @ my convience . . . not theirs . . . LOL . . . . Last nite for lunch I had chicken nuggets, fries, corn and pizza . . . cost me only a couple of bux too . . . plus a Sobe . . . Hope you all have a wonderful Halloween . . . Im recording "10 Thing I Hate About You" right now . . . I've got to record stuff so I can make space on my DVR . . . Lots of Halloween Movies on today . . . and very little recording time left on my DVR . . . Anyways enjoy the extra hr of sleep today . . . until next publishing . . . Later Everyone . . .
Friday, October 29, 2004
My first Weblog
Ok . . . first of all this is like my 3rd attempt to make a
blog in like 2 days . . . My first attempt was TypePad . . . '
cuz its kewl . . until I realized you have to pay . . .
then I tried http://www.myspace.com . . . good idea but somehow I ended up not posting my entire blog msg and having it get deleted somehow . . . so I then gave up . . . This being my 3rd attempt now . . .
I hope to get this up and published . . . if you are reading this it worked . . . Im using Notepad to type this up and then copy the text and paste it into the blog . . . before I ramble on anymore . . . I'll give you a lil bit of background info. on myself . . . My name is David O'Mara . . I currently live in Fruitland, Idaho . . . before that I lived in South Lake Tahoe, California . . . having lived there for over 10 yrs I moved up here to get away and do/see something different . . . When I was living in Tahoe I worked at Harrah's Lake Tahoe Casino . . . but I had the fun job working in the Arcade . . it was great . . . I really miss it . . . I worked with some great ppl there . . . I now work in Ontario, Oregon - Wal-Mart Store #1951 . . . Its a nice store . . . I work overnites . . . in the grocery department . . . I have to admit we have a pretty good crew . . . with the holidayz coming really soon though . . . I hope they hire us some temps soon . . . The last two nites at work have been pretty nice . . . I got to go home early both nites . . . that is a rarity . . . Usually we have to stay over . . . like I had to stay
over last week . . . when work cuts into my weekend . . its a lil bit disturbing . . . Kelly got back from vacation last nite . . that was kewl . . . he seems to have had a good time . . I remember my first few days back from my vacation . . . they were nice . . . it was only becuz my vacation was so great though . . . but
thats another story all together . . . now back to Kelly . . . he found out that this girl he was going with that had a baby girl . . . and the baby is his . . . kewl for him . . . hes really happy about it . . . hes doing the right thing and
taking care of the mother and his daughter . . . shes only like 6 months old . . . at lunch today I had the same damn thing I have every nite . . . I swear I must be some kinda machine or robot or somethin . . . I had a bean and cheese burrito . . . and a pizza pocket . . . 2 bux for dinner/lunch . . . oh yeah . . and the 2 liter
of Mtn. Lightning . . . 50 cents for that . . LOL . . . Im writing this whole thing on my laptop . . . its a 233 MHz Micron Transport XKE . . . its ancient history . . . but works for now . . whilest my other computer is
down . . . It was an AMD Athlon XP 1900+ . . . but I burned up the CPU . . . so now I have to get a new one. . . I want to get a 1.8 GHz processor . . . the last one was only 1.6 GHz . . . this should increase performance slightly . . . thats gonna set me back between 60 - 75 bux though . . . oh well . . . Yesterday I missed the Apprentice . . . I wanted to see who Donald Trump was gonna fire this week . . . oh well . . . I also missed on of my favorite shows . . . The Screen Savers . . . on G4TechTV . . . thats ok cuz I recorded it on my
Dish510 DVR. . . Im gonna have to start erasing stuff though cuz Im filling it up fast . . .this is getting rather long and Im rambling quite a bit . . . but I would like to say just a few more things on my first blog posting . . .
Yesterday I stayed up hella late . . . despite the fact that I got home early . . . I didnt go to sleep until late in the afternoon . . . which was ok . . . I made it through work last nite just fine . . . wasnt tired at all . . .
I think this is cuz I spent my dayz off just sleeping . . . anyways I got to talk to alot of ppl online yesterday. . . Isaiah, Heather, Jason,Helena, and even John . . . I watched Comedy Central yesterday . . .there was a movie on . . . it was called "Held Up" . . . it was funny . . . Jamie Fox was in it . . . and boy did he have some terrible luck in that movie . . . after that I watched MadTV . . . its funny too . . . I guess that is why they
call it comedycentral . . . LOL . . . one last thing before I sign off . . . if you are lookin' for a place to get rid of all your frustrations from work . . . try http://www.hateboss.com . . . its a nice lil blog . . . completely anonymous . . . and will help to keep all the crap that goes on @ work off your mynd . . . it'll help you to keep your sanity . . . well this has gotten long enough for my first blog . . . in the future I'll try not to write so damn much . . .