Thursday, June 23, 2005

My Camping Trip . . . .

I had so much fun caming . . . on my days off this last weekend . . . I got to go up camping @ Mans Creek . . . the camp site name was Justright Campsite . . . LOL . . . and you know what it was . . . Just Right that is . . . when we first got there we set up the tarps over the table . . . had to move them once . . . but it was pretty easy . . . we took up this scrap oak for burning on the campfire . . . that stuff burns hot . . . and for a long time . . . . we had marshmellow, hotdogs, and baked potatoes the first nite for dinner . . . . I crashed pretty hard that first night cuz I was really tired from bein up all nite the day b4 . . . got up the next day around 8:30 AM . . . for breakfast we had scrambled eggs and potatoes . . . . mmm . . . . they were good . . . camping makes all food taste better . . . Grandma Jan showed up around 1:00 PM . . . or maybe a lil bit after that . . . we went for a walk up the road . . . there's a well pump just up the road from our camp site . . . good water . . . nobody liked it . . . but I've had worse . . . so I liked it . . . for lunch we had chicken and brocoli . . . mmm . . . that was good . . . the kids played in the stream next to our camp site . . . . man was that water cold . . . I had to keep on applying sunscreen on the kids so that they wouldnt burn . . . my neice Amber is the worst . . . she burns really easily . . . so I kept putting on sunblock every 2 or 3 hrs on her . . . . and she was still turning pink . . . poor thing . . . I know how sunburns can hurt . . . been burned a couple of times . . . . I got a ton of pictures and alot of 2 - 3 minute video clips of the camping trip . . . . my camera was so fun to use . . . everytime I got it out the kids wanted to play with it . . . I got a couple of good pictures of me that the kids took . . . I'll post one on my website . . . that nite I cooked up some steaks . . . had a fun time tryin' to get the coals burning . .. but finally got them goin' . . . . my steaks turned out to be a lil bit rare . . . but not much . . . everyone must have liked my cooking cuz it was all gone when I was done cooking it . . . I went to bed that nite around 11PM . . . . got up agian the next day around 8:30 again . . . fire was already started . . . we had pancakes for breakfast that morning . . . . we all went for a hike in the afternoon . . . .we had a small problem with feild mice getting into our food . . . had to throw out marshmellows and bread . . . those pest made a mess out of the toilet paper too . . . tryin' to build a nest . . . those lil buggers are cute but pesky . . . I got some nice pitures of butterflies too while I was up there . . . there was alot of them . . . every day in the afternoon you would see alot of them . . . well on the 3rd day I had to pack up and get ready to come home . . cuz I had to work last nite . . . work was a pain . . . not a bad nite . . . just I didnt have any sleep from the day b4 . . . and I was extremely tired . . . . but I survived. . . . well anyways Grandma Jan brought me home . . . and the rest as they say is history . . . until next post . . . Later . . . .

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Been Awhile Since My Last Post

Hey everyone sorry its been awhile since my last post . . . I've been keeping busy these last couple of weeks . . . been spending my days off over @ my sisters house hanging out with my nieces . . . I got my niece a 128 Meg Memory Card for the Game Cube . . . she has enough memory to store as many games as she needs now . . . with 1919 blocks of memory to use she'll not fill that up soon . . . I also got her a game for the system . . . It was Mario Sunshine . . . it's funny I purchased it from GameStop . . . the first copy of the game had no scratches on it . . . but would not read in the Game Cube . . . we took it back and exchanged it and the new copy had some scratches but works fine . . . She got a game called "The Urbs" . . . its the Sims in the City . . . . anyways . . . I still haven't gotten off my butt and worked on my webpage for my domain yet . . . I turned some of the project work over to Nat . . . but she's been busy . . and it's her B-Day today . . . I watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith yesterday . . . man that movie is awesome . . . I recommend it for anyone to see . . . I also watched this other movie I rented from Blockbuster the other day . . . it was called "Thirteen" . . . man . . . that movie is intense . . . it deals with some serious issues . . . Its every parents worst nightmare . . . but I think it makes a great movie to sit down and discuss things like sex, alcohol, drugs . . . . this movie covers it all . . . I liked it so much I picked up the movie from GameStop . . . I got a couple of games with it while I was there too . . . they had a buy 2 get 1 free deal going on in the store . . . . I got me a new toy last week to play with . . . it was the last one Wal-Mart had too . . . its an all digital camcorder . . . it records to Compact Flash Memory . . . this thing is kewl I can record like 30 minutes on it no problem . . . and I can take 5 Megapixel pictures with it too . . . also this thing doubles as a webcam . . . so I got like 3 things in 1 . . . . its awesome . . . well . . . I think thats all for this post . . .I'll try to post more often . . . Later . . .

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