ubuntu does not come with much multimedia functionality because of legal issues so you may find that many files do not play. To fix this, you need to install some codecs and players form the restricted section.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
How to add Multimedia Functionality to ubuntu
Sunday, August 12, 2007
How Credit Scores Work
In this article, we'll find out how this formerly secret number is used and how it affects how much you pay for credit, insurance and other life necessities
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Friday, August 10, 2007
Top 9 Fitness Myths -- Busted!
Think you know the facts about getting fit? You may be surprised to learn how many are really fiction. Fitness Myth No. 6: If you're not working up a sweat, you're not working hard enough.
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Complete List of FREE Xbox LIVE Downloads
Here is a complete list of all the cool, free Xbox LIVE downloads available right now on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace.
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The 10 Best Foods You Aren't Eating
Want to do your body a world of good? It's as easy as expanding your grocery list.
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No More Hard Drive: 100 Free Apps to Go Online-Only
Why is it that despite the fact that you can do virtually anything from anywhere through the Net, most of us are still tethered to our computer because of the need for access to basic desktop software? In this article, we highlight 100 free webware apps which will help you cut the cord from your computer and its traditional desktop software.
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Thursday, August 09, 2007
Computer Security Expert Testifies RIAA Can't Identify Users by IP Address
Points out that "Many computers can be connected to the Internet with identical IP addresses as long as they remain behind control points such as routers, firewalls, proxy servers, or similar technologies."
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Turn a flashnight into a handheld burning laser!
DIYer Kipkay extracts the laser from a DVD burner and mounts it in a small flashlight to create a handheld laser burner that can light matches and burst balloons.
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How to Rip Netflix "Watch Now" movies to your hard drive!
A user in the Rorta forums has a detailed step-by-step guide for saving previously-mentioned Netflix "Watch Now" movies to your hard drive so you can watch it sans-DRM and browser restrictions. The method requires Windows, IE6 or above, Windows Media Player 11, and FairUse4WM.
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Tuesday, August 07, 2007
iPhone hacked to run NES !!
just a month ago it was a closed system . . . now it's running Zelda and all of your other favorite NES games . . .
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Toshiba releases 3 new HD DVD players under $500
As the format battle rages on, today Toshiba announced three new HD DVD players: the HD-A3, the HD-A30, and the HD-A35. Michael Imperioli, star of The Sopranos and recent Toshiba HD DVD commercials, is not included.
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