Most of the tests are conducted at an independent laboratory in Canada that uses a machine to simulate a typical smoker's puffing. The Massachusetts study analyzed nicotine in 116 cigarette brands, finding that the amount of nicotine that can be inhaled by a typical smoker increased in 92 brands from 1998 to 2004. Only 12 brands had a decrease.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Cigarettes pack more nicotine. State study shows an average 10% increase.
Hamish McRae: Americans are in for tough times, even if the Fed won't (yet) say it
Even the shortest visits to the US tell you things about the economy that you would not get from the figures. While this university town might seem to be sailing comfortably along, it is only an hour from Detroit, home of the US auto industry.
The American education industry remains in pretty good shape but the car industry most certainly is not. The talk is about globalization and the energy squeeze but the practical impact of both is being felt in jobs and most particularly in property prices.
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Download YouTube videos directly to iTunes
Using TubeSock you can now download Videos from YouTube, and save them directly into iTunes in a iPod video compatible format.
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What's the Most Popular Linux Desktop?
The results of's 2006 Desktop Linux Market survey are in, and the votes are all tallied. This first article of a series offers a perspective on how the various desktop Linux distributions fared, and why.
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Scientists unlocking the secrets of bioavailability.
Experts advise us to eat more fruit and veg; boost protein and fibre intake; make sure we get the optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. But what actually happens to these nutrients once they are inside the body? Eat iron rich veggies with OJ to convert the iron into the form we get the most from, but coffee and tea inhibit iron absorption.
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Corporate profit as share of G.D.P. rising, wage share at new low (Graph)
This New York Times graph illustrates that while corporate profits are at the highest share of the G.D.P. since the 1960s, the take home pay of the typical worker is actually the lowest on record as a share of the same G.D.P.
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Wal-Mart Aims To Change How We Light Our Homes
In the next 12 months, starting with a major push this month, Wal-Mart wants to sell every one of its regular customers--100 million in all--one compact fluorescent bulb. In the process, it may change energy consumption in the United States.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Prostitutes in Kenya May Carry Gene That Protects Them From HIV
Some commercial sex workers in Kenya who apparently are immune to HIV might be carrying a gene that protects them from contracting the virus, according to a study presented last week at the XVI International AIDS Conference. Over three years, most of the 850 surveyed women contracted HIV, but at least 130 did not test positive for the virus.
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Why Are We Worse Off?
New wage data indicate what you might have suspected. Average wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. Lew Rockwell explains that the real cuprit here is inflation, which affects different goods in different ways. Goods in large retail shops have fallen due to cost cuts and pressure from international trade, while energy prices are way up.
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What are Dark matter & Dark energy, & How are they Affecting the Universe?
Robert Caldwell, a cosmologist at Dartmouth College, explains this complex question in an easy way for us to understand.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
FBI: Fugitive polygamist arrested near Las Vegas
Warren Steed Jeffs, 50, was taken into custody after he and two other people were pulled over late Monday by a Nevada Highway Patrol trooper on Interstate 15 just north of Las Vegas, FBI spokesman David Staretz said
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Protein 101: How much do you need?
Do you get enough? Or enough of the right kinds? Madelyn Fernstrom of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center offers a basic lesson in proteins.
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Monday, August 28, 2006
BREAKING: John Mark Karr DNA does not match DNA found on JonBenet Ramsey
The DNA sample taken from John Mark Karr does not match DNA found on JonBenet Ramsey's body when she was murdered in 1996, CNN affiliate KUSA is reporting.
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How to recover lost files after you accidentally wipe your hard drive
After the overwhelming feeling of dread passed, I started to look into file recovery options. I demoed a variety of commercial products to see if any of them could find my lost files or partitions. Nothing seemed to work. Finally, I discovered TestDisk and PhotoRec, and was able to use the latter to recover my lost files.
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World's oldest person dies at age 116
QUITO, Ecuador - Maria Esther de Capovilla, believed to be the world's oldest person, has died at 116, her granddaughter said. Born on Sept. 14, 1889, Capovilla was married in 1917 and widowed in 1949. She always ate three meals a day and never smoked or drank hard liquor, her family said.
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How Nicotine Works
What is it about tobacco that makes people so compelled to use it despite all of the admonitions? Smoking or chewing tobacco makes people feel good, even mildly euphoric. While there are thousands of chemicals in the tobacco plant, one, nicotine, produces all the good feelings that draw people back for another cigarette or plug of tobacco.
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Bin Laden Still Not Charged For 9/11
Bin Laden has only been charged with U.S. embassy bombings in East Africa on Aug. 7, 1998. Another more infamous date -- Sept. 11, 2001 -- is nowhere to be found. The curious omission underscores the Justice Department's decision, so far, to not seek formal criminal charges against bin Laden. Strange, isn't it?
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Brain's Filing System Uncovered
While much is known about how the brain processes simple visual features such as colors, angles, and motion-directions, less is known about how the brain learns and recognizes the meaning of stimuli. The process of grouping related visual images into categories allows the brain to organize stimuli according to their meaning.
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Terahertz Transistor: New Transistor Design Aims to Smash Speed Records
Researchers at the University of Rochester believe they know how to make a transistor that, at room temperature, could operate at a blazing three terahertz. The device, dubbed a ballistic deflection transistor, won't be in products anytime soon. But it does embody some interesting design theories.
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Scientists have found a way to trick cancer cells into committing suicide
The novel technique potentially offers an effective method of providing personalized anti-cancer therapy. Most living cells contain a protein called procaspase-3, which, when activated, changes into the executioner enzyme caspase-3 and initiates programmed cell death, called apoptosis...
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New Hope For Malaria Vaccine.
Malaria infects 500 million people a year, killing about 3000 people a day. The early tests for the vaccine are hopeful. The Japanese research team developing it believe it could cut infection rates by up to 80% in Africa.
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Unsuccessful mission: Bush fails to sell war
Even Republicans are increasingly skeptical about U.S. odds of success in Iraq
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Who Destroyed the Constitution? The Biggest Special Interest Group of All
Unlike the neocons who surround Judge Andrew Napolitano during his appearances on the FOX News, he understands that freedom comes "from God and is inherent to our humanity". The government can now break into your house, steal your checkbook, put an electronic bug under your kitchen table, and make it look like it was a house burglary.
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Aftermath: Teen Who Fled Captor Recalls 8-Year Ordeal
Natascha Kampusch is a sad, withdrawn-looking young woman, a lifetime apart from the ruddy-cheeked 10-year-old she was when she disappeared 8 years ago. She weighs less than 100 pounds, and police who interviewed her shortly after she escaped from her kidnapper this week. The story has transfixed Austria, where sordid behavior is rarely on display.
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Stocks jump as oil prices sink
Crude falls and natural gas futures plunge as the threat from Ernesto dissipates. Wal-Mart meets its sales target for August. Ford is reportedly close to selling a stake in its financial unit. The energy sector leads Merger Monday.... The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 58 points, 0.5%, to 11,342 at 11:12 a.m. ET and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index was up 6 points, 0.5%, to 1,300. The Nasdaq Composite Index rose 16 points, 0.7%, to 2,156.
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Found girl hesitent to reunite with parents
VIENNA, Austria - She dashed to freedom the moment she got a chance, but reportedly wept inconsolably when told her “master” had thrown himself in front of a train. She had a tearful reunion with her parents, yet hasn’t asked for them since.
New details — and fresh questions — emerged Saturday about Natascha Kampusch’s welfare after her ordeal at the hands of a man who yanked her off a suburban street when she was 10 and confined her to a squalid, windowless cell for more than eight years.
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Back-to-school shopping getting high marks
With visions of three-ring binders dancing in their heads, retailers are understandably giddy this time of year. Back-to-School may not be much to celebrate for kids or their parents, but retailers consider it the second biggest "holiday" of the year after Christmas.
And this year it could be significantly bigger. The National Retail Federation expects $17.6 billion will be spent, up from 2005’s $13.4 billion.
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Cell phones taking over as timepieces
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- Ask graphic designer Parker Weintz the time and he doesn't look to his wrist, he pulls a cell phone out of his pocket -- and he's not alone.
The proliferation of cell phones, with their list of extra features, has had the knock-on effect of eliminating the need to wear a wristwatch unless it is to make a fashion statement.
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A Solar System-Size Headache
Now that astronomers have booted Pluto from the ranks of official planets, what's a planetarium gift shop to do? It's not often that the solar system loses a whole planet, but it did just that on Aug. 24, when the International Astronomical Union (IAU), meeting in Prague, changed the definition of a planet to exclude Pluto, dropping the count of official planets from nine to eight. And while it was the scientific community that had to deal with the impact of the change in their view of the cosmos, some Earth-bound businesses began toting up the dollars-and-cents implications of Pluto's expulsion.
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Drinking Tea Is Better For Health Than Plain Water
If you drink three or more cups of tea a day you might be doing your health more good than drinking plain water, say researchers from King's College, London, UK.. This new study found, among other things, that the urban myth that tea dehydrates could not be further from the truth - tea hydrates as well as water does, say the researchers.
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Why are oil prices are so high?
There are several reasons. Increased demand, investors betting heavily on futures, and here is one of the big ones, incompetent monopolies. Newsweek explains how some of the countries that ousted the corporations are even worse than the dinosaurs they replaced. If they don't fix it some countries may see economic collapse.
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Teens Legally Nude In Vermont
"What began as a lark or an ode to youthful exuberance has now turned into a municipal quandary, because public nudity is permissible in Brattleboro." Rebellious teenagers have taken to disrobing in public parking lots to sunbathe or spontaneously disrobe on a whim. Hopefully this trend will spread through the rest of the US soon.
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32 GB flash drives within a year.
It reads data about 300% faster and writes 150% faster. I long for the day when the only moving part in my computer is a fan.
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Women fall into 'trance' during orgasm
The key to female arousal seems rather to be deep relaxation and a lack of anxiety, with direct sensory input from the genitals playing a less critical role.
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Friday, August 25, 2006
United States versus $124,700 in U.S. Currency
No really, that's the name of the case.
The Eighth Circuit Appeals Court recently ruled that police may seize cash from motorists, citing that "possession of a large sum of cash is "strong evidence" of a connection to drug activity." Gonzales was never charged with any crime, but his cash was stolen by police anyway.
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RIAA Backs Down 1 Day After Being Counter-sued
In Warner v. Stubbs, in Oklahoma, the defendant filed her answer and counterclaim against the RIAA on August 23, 2006. In it she likened the RIAA's tactics to "extortion".
The very next day, on August 24, 2006, the RIAA turned around and asked the Judge for permission to withdraw its case:
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Review: Free Linux Desktops
CRN Test Center set out to locate good examples of free Linux distributions that still have some channel focus and offer robust features, along with upgrades to commercial support. The field was narrowed down to three familiar names in the Linux world, Ubuntu, OpenSuse and the new Freespire, the free version of Linspire.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Your Digital Wallet
With new technology called near-field communications, you could use a cell phone to make purchases, or even download a movie trailer from a poster.
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P2P Services Compared - AllPeers, Pando, Zapr and Exaroom
detailed comparison of four new P2P services: A new crop of services has popped up recently to make it much easier to share files with a private network of friends and other trusted people. Allpeers, Zapr, Pando and Exaroom are all fairly recent entrants.
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Viruses and Spyware Cost Users $7.8 Billion
"Consumers paid as much $7.8 billion over two years to repair or replace computers that got infected with viruses and spyware, a Consumer Reports survey found."
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Where Bush's Arrogance Has Taken Us
An illegal war, a long list of eroded rights, and a country run by and for the benefit of corporate campaign donors -- all courtesy of the imperial presidency. During his gubernatorial days in Texas, George W let slip a one-sentence thought that unintentionally gave us a peek into his political soul: "There ought to be limits to freedom."
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MSN Messenger Adds One-Click Sex Offender Report Button.
Young people using Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger to chat online with friends can now make a report to police with one click if they are concerned their online 'buddy' is a sex offender.
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How Music Gets you High
A neuroscientist explains why women want rock stars to father their children, and how melodies can work like Prozac.
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Banks Launch Surcharge-Free ATM Networks
Millions of Americans do the same thing every day, to the tune of an estimated $4.2 billion in ATM fees this year. But at a time when more banks are charging non-customers more money to use their ATMs, some consumers are getting a break.
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First XBOX Modchip Released
The NME-360 enables your XBox360 to play backups of your highly valuable original games. NME-360 is a universal solution for ALL currently available XBox360 Consoles on the market. Forget crazy dual mods with 30+ wires or even bricking your DVD drive by flashing corrupt/wrong firmware files. Your original firmware stays untouched and intact at any
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The Dark Side of the Universe
Some of the most fascinating places out there are facing the wrong way. Astronomers had long assumed that the farside was just like the near side. Wrong. Pictures of the hidden hemisphere, first taken in 1959 by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3, show a vastly different landscape.
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Evolving Universes
Theoretical physicist Lee Smolin looked at the simple, functional elegance found in the the theory of natural selection, and thought that maybe such a concept could be applied on a universal scale. Thus the theory of Cosmological Natural Selection was born.
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Science Collides With the Big Bang...
" to explain the origins of the universe. What Turok had done in his lecture and accompanying papers was to challenge an idea that has held physicists in thrall for more than four decades: that time, space and everything else all appeared out of nothing and began with one Big Bang."
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First Phase of AIDS Vaccine Trials Successful!
Forty-nine healthy people who received the injection showed no severe adverse reactions after 180 days, proving the vaccine was safe. The recipients appeared immune to the HIV-1 virus 15 days after the injection, indicating the vaccine worked well in stimulating the body's immunity.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
"Dark matter" is real, scientists say
BOSTON (Reuters) - A team of U.S. scientists has found the first direct evidence of the existence of "dark matter," a little-understood substance with a huge influence on gravity, the team's leader said on Tuesday.
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Universe Has Fuel For Another 70bn Years
IT WILL be 70 billion years before the lights start to go out all over the universe, scientists at a Scottish university revealed yesterday. | Read Story - View Comments
Consumer Reports creates 5,500 new computer viruses
The controversy is that for the test Consumer Reports hired a firm to create 5,500 new variants of existing viruses to see how antivirus software reacted to new threats. | Read Story - View Comments
FBI Experts Trawl Web For Pedophiles
"It's dinner time. Family is at the table. Dad's special phone rings. The man on the other end of the phone wants to talk sex. Sex with a little girl. Dad gets up from the dinner table and walks away, phone pressed to his ear." | Read Story - View Comments
Redheads 'Have More Sex Than Blondes Or Brunettes'
Blondes may have more fun but redheads have more sex, according to new research in Germany. | Read Story - View Comments
Just Say NO To Banner Ads On Your Cellphones!
Some of the biggest wireless service providers announced today that are starting to allow advertising on their cell phones. Sprint Nextel and Verizon Wireless are already trying out trials of banner ads on their cell phones. We cant let this happen!! | Read Story - View Comments
USA and Japan become the poorest of the richest countries
The USA and Japan hold the leading positions among the world’s most industrially developed countries in terms of relative poverty. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the percentage of US families whose profit is lower than the average income makes up 13.7. The number of such families in Japan reaches 13.5 percent. | Read Story - View Comments
H.E.R.B. - Had Enough Religious Bulls**t
A collection of articles, quotations, and cartoons for those of us who prefer not to live in a theocracy. | Read Story - View Comments
Internet Addiction - When Reset Button Is Not Enough
Some claim it is the worst plague of the 21st century. Some say it does more harm than heavy drinking or smoking. Still others argue there is no problem at all. Whatever the opinions are, Internet addiction has become a serious threat to all of us surfing the net. | Read Story - View Comments
The True Cost Of Smoking, Literally.
A big eye opener for how much it really costs to smoke cigarettes. Talk about burning up dollars! Wow! | Read Story - View Comments
20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
Ow the depth of the Democracy. The Freedom of choice. I whish all countries would be forced to have the same, good quality government as the Big U S of A. | Read Story - View Comments
Girls Don’t Like Boys, Girls Like Cars And Money
Ten things all men should know about women. | Read Story - View Comments
Universe Might Be Bigger And Older Than Expected
The new finding implies that the universe is instead about 15.8 billion years old and about 180 billion light-years wide. | Read Story - View Comments
How To Control People
The difference between true education and vocational training has been cleverly blurred.
Here are a few tips on how smart people can control other people. If any of this rings a bell - Well, then wake up! | Read Story - View Comments
New Method Of Growing Carbon Nanotubes To Revolutionise Electronics
A new method of growing carbon nanotubes is predicted to revolutionise the implementation of nanotechnology and the future of electronics. Researchers at the University of Cambridge have successfully grown nanotubes at a temperature which permits their full integration into present complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology (350 ºC). | Read Story - View Comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
7,500 Miles On $5 In Gas and Used Vegetable Oil...
He converted his diesel pickup truck to run almost exclusively on used vegetable oil, and for the past three weeks he has been driving across the country with his father and a friend, filling people in on alternative fuel possibilities.
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Play Chess against the computer and see it thinking about the next move
Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. A map is created from the traces of literally thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move.
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The Linux Desktop Myth
It's entirely possible that you may not have heard of Linux. Maybe you own a Mac or Windows computer and don't read technology news. You may have a TiVo, but it doesn't have a huge sticker on the box that reads "Powered by Linux" (even though it is).
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Tibetans to Teach Wi-Fi Know-How
DHARAMSHALA, India -- Organizers of a community wireless mesh network in Dharamshala, India -- the hometown-in-exile of the Dalai Lama and thousands of Tibetan refugees -- say they want to "unwire" more Tibetan exile communities and other unconnected spots in the developing world.
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Famster’s hamster wants to network with your mom
Famster is a Flash based social networking site with a long list of features. Created by Whittier California web design company Ivenue, it’s an attempt to take online social networking mainstream for adults. There’s no clear business model yet and I find the site’s branding a little creepy, but the feature set is staggering and the site is so well designed that it’s likely to win over a lot of people in its target audience.
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Mixing, Then Un-mixing Oil And Water 'On Command' Could Solve Oil Recovery And Clean-up Problems
Queen's University researchers have devised a "green chemistry" solution to one of the oil industry's biggest problems -- in a cost-effective way. Their findings will be published in the international journal Science on Friday August 18. The study addresses the recurring problem of separating oil and water mixtures, and targets diverse applications including cleaning up oil spills, and extracting oil deposits from tar sands and reservoirs. Other potential beneficiaries are plastics manufacturers, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, mining companies and makers of cleaning products.
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Physicist Discovers Exotic Superconductivity
A University of Arizona physicist has discovered that powerful magnetic fields change the physical nature of superconductivity. UA Associate Professor of Physics Andrei Lebed has discovered that strong magnetism changes the basic, intrinsic properties of electrons flowing through superconductors, establishing an "exotic" superconductivity. "Understanding the physical nature of the electron pairs that define superconductors is one of the most important problems in condensed matter physics," Lebed said. He published the research earlier this year in Physical Review Letters. He said the work is one of his most important contributions to physics in his 20-year career.
This is a really awesome article on Magnetism, I do recommend reading it if you have the time.
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Mystery Of Quintuplet Stars In Milky Way Solved
For the first time, scientists have identified the cluster of Quintuplet stars in the Milky Way's galactic center, next to the super massive black hole, as massive binary stars nearing the end of their life cycle, solving a mystery that had dogged astronomers for more than 15 years.
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Research Reveals Inner Workings Of Immune System 'Thermostat
When bacteria, viruses or parasites attack, immune system cells unleash the soldiers. These “hot” protein compounds kill invaders – but also trigger inflammation, which, if unchecked, can destroy tissue, induce shock and kill the host. So immune system cells let loose another protein compound to cool down the immune response.
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Contractors in Iraq make costs balloon
Jerry Zovko's contract with Blackwater USA looked straightforward: He would earn $600 a day guarding convoys that carried food for U.S. troops in Iraq. But that cost -- $180,000 a year -- was just the first installment of what taxpayers were asked to pay for Zovko's work. Blackwater, based in Moyock, N.C., and three other companies would add to the bill, and to their profits.
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What fluids should you drink when it's hot?
The claim is that drinking a cold drink is better as the cold drink comes in contact with the tissues of the mouth, tongue, and throat thus soothing us, and it brings body temperature down since the body must warm up the drink to body temperature.
On the other hand, some say drinking a hot drink is better as the body has to use more energy to reduce the temperature of the drink to body temperature.
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Windows Live Writer makes blogging more accessible
I know Windows Live Writer came out awhile ago, but since I didnt have a story on it already on my blog, I decided to add this one.
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9 Ways To Work Veggies Into Your Diet
Dont like Veggies but want to try and make healthy changes to your diet? Try a few of these suggestions.
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Tech Titans
Top 10 Tech Titans according to -- Not suprisingly 3 out of the top 5 work for Microsoft(Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Balmer). Dell kicks butt. Ebay and Google make the list. If you want to see the rest you'll have to click the link to see the slideshow.
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Linspire Launches Freespire Linux Software Suite
SAN FRANCISCO -- Linspire launched Freespire ahead of schedule Tuesday, hoping to eliminate the complexities of Linux with a simple software suite designed to do the tasks users want. Linspire introduced Freespire 1.0 at the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in San Francisco. The company designed the free consumer-aimed Linux operating system to combine open-source and proprietary software.
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Judge Blocks Judge -- DISH PVRs Are Go, For Now
n a sudden twist of events, a Washington D.C. court has allowed the continued use of DISH PVRs, sold by EchoStar Communications. "We are pleased that this morning, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. temporarily blocked an injunction issued by a Texas Court, while it considers a longer-term stay of that injunction," EchoStar said in a statement.
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Federal Court Finds NSA Wiretaps Unconstitutional
A federal judge in Detroit has rejected the Bush administration's argument that the National Security Agency's wiretap program, which has been conducted for nearly five years, is allowed by the U.S. Constitution.
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Karr on flight to Los Angeles
BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- A suspect in the 1996 death of 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey has begun his journey back to the United States where he is to be questioned by Boulder, Colorado, investigators. John Mark Karr, 41, said nothing as he walked out of the detention center in Bangkok, surrounded by Thai police officers, at 3 p.m. local time Sunday.
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Upgrading Wi-Fi: What, When, and Why
Wi-Fi (802.11x) networks have been around long enough that many businesses and home users run their own. The first widely deployed standard was 802.11b, while most new hardware uses 802.11g. The latest 802.11n hardware is just around the corner. If you run an existing wireless network, is it time to upgrade?
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
How To Make A Universe...
For many years now physicists have discussed how one might make a universe in the laboratory. The essential idea is that the vacuum is not completely empty but has a set of intrinsic energy levels, which can be excited. It is this energy that drove the early inflation of the universe and continues to accelerate the expansion of the universe today.
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What the Airports Must Do to Sniff Out Liquid Explosives
"What is more difficult is detecting the components of a bomb before it has been assembled, particularly if surrounded by metal objects. In fact, liquid explosives might be easier to spot than solids, Reiss says, as they have to be held in a container."
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Teenagers dont think copying CDs is a crime
The result of a new survey has angered the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America
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UK to get first city with high-speed WiMax coverage
"A British city known for its concrete cows is set to become one of the most technologically advanced in Britain after it said it would to be the first UK town to boast a high-speed WiMax wireless broadband network."
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Friday, August 18, 2006
Why Is Linux Successful?
The success of Linux over the past 15 years boils down to a few key factors, according to a panel of Linux luminaries.
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Can Govt Make You Look Like A Terrorist? You Bet! Look at this graphic
Don't wrinkle your nose, press your lips together, raise your upper eyelids, or Heaven forbid thrust forward your jaws. If you don't like it, and if you believe that the most suspicious persons of all work for the TSA, you had better furrow your brow in private. Public display might result in detention.
Private security knows what works best
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How MySpace Is Antisocial
"Today, MySpace, the world's largest networking site, has more than 102 million members, and is at the center of an entire ecosystem of startups and established firms serving up advertisements, content, and software. But as a platform for other businesses, MySpace may be far less stable than these other Web giants."
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1GB USB Flash Drive - $15.99!!!!
Insane deal at Micro Center. Check it out.
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How the Brain Loses The Plasticity of Youth
A protein once thought to play a role only in the immune system could hold a clue to one of the great puzzles of neuroscience: how do the highly malleable and plastic brains of youth settle down into a relatively stable adult set of neuronal connections? One way to promote new connections in brains damaged by disease might be to target PirB.
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Four-Fifths of U.S. High School Graduates Not Ready for College
Almost four-fifths of U.S. high school graduates failed to pass this year's standard examinations designed to show their readiness for college, test designer ACT Inc. reported.
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Back to School, With Cellphone and Laptop
"It used to be that getting ready for another school year meant buying a few new No. 2 pencils, spiral notebooks and a lunchbox. Not anymore. Young children and teenagers, as well as college students, are going to school with more electronic gadgets than ever."
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New limits for cigarette marketing: no more "light" cigarettes
From today's ruling against the tobacco companies: "Judge Kessler ordered the companies to stop labeling cigarettes as "low tar" or "light" or "natural" or with other "deceptive brand descriptors which implicitly or explicitly convey to the smoker and potential smoker that they are less hazardous to health than full-flavor cigarettes.""
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Cell Phone-Only Households on the Rise
"The growth in cell phone-only households is part of a national trend led by 18- to 24-year-olds who use the Internet, says Jupiter Research, which focuses on the Internet and emerging consumer technologies."
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Genetically Engineered Grass Created in Lab Is Found in the Wild
"An unapproved type of genetically engineered grass has been found growing in the wild in what scientists say could be the first instance in the United States in which a biotechnology plant has established itself outside a farm."
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Suspect held overseas in JonBenet Ramsey slaying
WASHINGTON - A man arrested in Thailand is being held in connection with the slaying of JonBenet Ramsey, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
Federal officials familiar with the case, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the man was already being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
CBS to start streaming prime-time shows
CBS will begin showing episodes of several new and returning prime-time shows for free on the Internet, becoming the second network to do so. The network said that starting next month it will begin streaming episodes of a new show, "Jericho," along with "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," "CSI: Miami," "CSI: NY," "Numbers" and "Survivor."
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Pres. Clinton Speaks Out On The The Politcs of Terror
Taking a break from his work at the XVI International AIDS Conference in Toronto on Monday, former President Clinton warned Republicans not to politicize the London terror arrests, slammed Sen. Joe Lieberman, whom he campaigned for just a couple weeks ago, and tackled some of the controversies surrounding his work to fight AIDS.
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The US Constitution: Anybody Remember It?
It's a quaint little document, really. One of its major problems, of course, is that it was written by white males and as everyone knows, there must be ethnic and gender diversity in anything worth keeping these days. And so it goes out the window, this little document that's been holding our country together for a couple of hundred years...
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Browster 2.0 makes MySpace easier to use
Browser plug in Browster released version 2.0 of its product this weekend and is aiming to make MySpace profiles easier to view. A Windows download for IE and Firefox, Browster preloads pages from search results and provides a live minibrowser when inserted lightning bolts are hovered over.
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Wii for $170?
Financial report anticipates lower price point for upcoming system. Nintendo's new Wii console could be yours later this year for less than expected.
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Nintendo Confirms Free Online Play For Wii
We will offer online-enabled games that the consumers will not have to pay a subscription fee for. They'll be able to enjoy that right out of the box. The Wii console is going to be Wi-Fi enabled, so essentially, you'll be able to plug it in and go.
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Immune-system protein may avert blindness
Scientists at Washington University have made a key discovery in a disease that is the leading cause of blindness in people over age 65. The research also may have implications for vision loss associated with diabetes and premature birth.
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Optimizing your blog for search engines
There are many different ways that you can optimize your blog, but here is what I recommend doing.
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E=mc2 Explained
Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous scientist of this century. One of his most well-known accomplishments is the formula E=mc2. Despite its familiarity, many people don't really understand what it means.
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Expert: more overweight people across the world than hungry ones
US professor Barry Popkin said all countries - both rich and poor - had failed to address the obesity boom. He told the conference at the Gold Coast convention: "Obesity is the norm globally and under nutrition, while still important in a few countries and in targeted populations in many others, is no longer the dominant disease."
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J.K. Rowling earns $230 per minute
Her picture hangs in Britain's National Portrait Gallery, her books have sold more than 300 million copies and a prehistoric dinosaur has been named after her Hogwart's creation. She has been named the celebrity world's ninth-highest earner, with a fortune that increases by £77 ($230) a minute - more than £100,000 ($300,000) a day.
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1 Terabyte HD Due This Year, HD Turns 50
Desktop hard drives holding 1 terabyte, or 1,000 gigabytes, of storage will likely debut in 2006 according to Hitachi. Meanwhile, the HD will turn 50 on Sept. 13th. The first magnetic drive, the RAMAC created by IBM, weighed a ton and could hold 5MB of data on 50 24-inch circumference platters.
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Google's Gift of Free WIFI Service
"My guess is that Google, young and immensely profitable, simply has more money than sense. Whatever the motivation, Google has pledged it would install the network -- at a cost of at least several million dollars -- and operate it for five years."
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The Unraveling of String Theory
By now, just about everyone has heard of string theory. Even those who don't really understand it--which is to say, just about everyone--know that it's the hottest thing in theoretical physics.
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TechTV Reborn as 'UndoTV'
"Pirillo and LaPorte hope to attract a sponsor and begin producing original content, but for now will let the site evolve from the ground up. Contributors will keep 100 percent control of the content they provide to the site, Pirillo wrote."
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Bush's Political Survival Depends on Terror Threats.
Once again in the run-up to a national election, we are visited with alarming news. A monstrous plot, red alert, high drama playing on all channels and extreme measures taken to tighten security. This has worked twice before. It could work again this fall unless gullible Americans snap out of it.
Warning - This article is reported as possibly being inaccurate. This is of course because it is such a controversial topic. I still advise you to read it and be the judge of it for yourself.
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Oil Prices Drop on Mideast Cease-Fire
Oil prices dropped nearly a dollar Monday as traders anticipated the upcoming Mideast cease-fire and responded to the positive news that BP would be able to maintain half of its production at a large oil field in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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What happens when lightning strikes an airplane?
It is estimated that on average, each airplane in the U.S. commercial fleet is struck lightly by lightning more than once each year. In fact, aircraft often trigger lightning when flying through a heavily charged region of a cloud.In these instances, the lightning flash originates at the airplane and extends away in opposite directions.
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Fox to offer TV downloads on MySpace - CNET
Media giant expected to announce plans to distribute movies and TV shows from the company's network of Internet sites.
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Dell to Recall 4.1 Million Exploding Sony Batteries
The batteries are Dell-branded but contain Sony (Sony!) battery cells. Dell has received six reports of batteries overheating, causing damage to furniture and personal belongings, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported. There were no injuries caused.
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Thailand Plans to Give 1 Free Laptop Per Child
"Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has announced that an ambitious project to provide low-cost laptop computers to all of Thailand's millions of elementary school students will begin in October."
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
User-Generated Content Drives Half of U.S. Top 10 Fastest Growing Web Brand
Not really news but nice to see the numbers... Nielsen//NetRatings, announced this week that user-generated content sites, platforms for photo sharing, video sharing and blogging, comprised five out of the top 10 fastest growing Web brands in July 2006.
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Gallup Poll: Most Recent Bush Quarter Worst for a President Since 1992.
George W. Bush's most recent quarter, his 22nd in office, was the worst of his presidency and the worst for any president since 1992, based on his 35.8% average approval rating during that quarter. It also ranks in the bottom 20 quarters out of the more than 240 quarters Gallup has measured for all presidents since Harry Truman.
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Researchers zero in on why western diet makes children fat.
High calorie, low fiber diets are causing children to become obese and they are suffering from adult diseases at greater rates. While the answer is obvious, there is more to it than the simple explanation.
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Introducing Windows Live Writer
Microsoft launches Windows Live Writer, a new publishing tool for authoring rich blog posts on Windows Live Spaces, Wordpress, Typepad and other blogging services.
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The Physics of Black Holes
Old but interesting if you're in to this type of thing - No bungee will help me, since bungees can't keep Sunday from turning into Monday. I have to hit the singularity eventually, and before I get there there will be enormous tidal forces, due to the curvature of spacetime,which will squash me and my spaceship, but I won't care. I'll be dead.
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Sneaky Bush Increasingly Dodging the Media
The idea that Bush could travel across the country without a full contingent of reporters, especially in the middle of a war, highlights a major cultural shift in the presidency and the news media. In the four decades since the assassination of JFK, presidents traditionally have taken journalists with them wherever they traveled. But not Dubya...
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The TRUTH about the RIAA
Some very interesting information on the RIAA and their practices.
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HD DVD and Blu-ray Are Both Losers
"Based on a new media research report that says neither the HD DVD nor its Blu-ray contender will deliver a "knock out" punch in the digital video ring, consumers may well think twice before upgrading their home theater system." Besides the fractured video market, PS3 backs Blu-Ray and Xbox 360 backs HD DVD. Sounds like a mess.
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Counter-Terrorism: Differences Between Britain and America
The disclosure that British officials conducted months of surveillance before arresting 24 terrorism suspects this week highlighted what many terrorism specialists said was a central difference between American and British law enforcement agencies. The British, they say, are more willing to wait and watch. Yet much of the same is said of the FBI.
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'Smart Pig' Technology: Keeping Oil Pipelines Clean
Metal, foam, plastic or gel, ranging from a few inches to 7 feet tall and wide as a tree - or however big they have to be to fit snugly inside a pipe - some pigs are simple scrapers. Others, known as "porcupine pigs," sport scrubbing wire brushes. BP acknowledged that the 16 miles of aging "transit" pipes had not been 'pigged' in 14 years.
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Internet Explorer Loses More Ground to Firefox: Firefox 13.71% July
While Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has lost further market share this year, there has been a significant slowdown in the acceptance of its largest competitor, the open source Firefox browser, according to a white paper released by Janco Associates on Aug. 11.
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Skype Outruns MySpace
"Skype's flown past MySpace. But both cases are even more confirmation that "free" rules cyber space." The bottom line of this story is free is good. We(the consumers) love free.
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Japan Feels Strain of Cheap 100Mbps Broadband
For a mere $36/month Japan residents are getting 100Mbps fiber-optic broadband and free VoIP. 5.5m have now added the faster service, in addition to 23m homes which already have 8Mbps service. But the increased demand is starting to take a toll on the tubes, which hit 158Gbps at major exchanges.
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Stress Can Shrink and Age Your Brain
New research is providing insight into how stress can shrink your brain cells and prematurely age your immune system.
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Wish Happy Birthday to Steve Wozniak
Steve WoZ Wozniak (born August 11, 1950) is a computer engineer turned 56 yesterday. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing greatly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs in 1976 and created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s.
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10 Ways to make yourself a YouTube Star
But what are the prime ingredients for YouTube success - what separates a viral hit from a barely-noticed miss? Poking around the top rated videos provides a few answers.
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Google Deal Bails Out MySpace
It solves what were becoming serious monetization problems for MySpace and ships a truckload of feather pillows to Google to pad its AdSense revenue, a crucial part of its overall profits.
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Molecular janitors help explain Alzheimer's
The finding helps explain why Alzheimer's is a disease of aging. More importantly, it suggests a new weapon: drugs that give nature's cleanup crews a boost.
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RIAA Asks Judge for Blanket Gag Order - The Digital Music Weblog
RIAA member companies have pulled a long list of legal stunts. This trumps them all in my opinion. To put it in plain and simple English, what Sony BMG have asked is that the court remove the 1st amendment rights of the defendant and the defendant's council in order to save them from public scrutiny of their own words during deposition.
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Muslim community provided tip off that stopped bomb plot.
The tip came from someone who became concerned about the activities of an acquaintance after the July 7 London bombings. That allowed British intel to infiltrate the group and stop their plans.
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Notebooks, iPods, mobiles, books banned on UK flights
Air travellers leaving the United Kingdom on Thursday faced the strictest security measures in years: iPods, cellular phones, laptops, and even books and magazines were no longer permitted as carry-on items.
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Not the Worst President Ever, But a Definite Contender
Although George W. Bush is probably not the worst president in U.S. history (Woodrow Wilson may have that dubious honour), the president may be in contention for that title in the post-Second World War era.
Fair Warning -
Remember to check up on the facts of this article as it has been reported by Digg users as being inaccurate. In any case it is still a good read. Just check up on the facts before assuming what you read is the truth.
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Asus WL-700gE WiFi Router: Built-In 160GB Drive, iTunes, and Bittorrent
"It has a built in network iTunes client, so it'll show up as an iTunes client to your PCs. And it has a BitTorrent client that can rip down 7 streams automatically (and 10 FTP or web streams at the same time.) That's with your PC off, all downloads handled by the router. And there's a lot more. Too much more to share before the jump."
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How liquid explosives work
In light of the terrorist attacks foiled by authorities in the UK, I was left wondering exactly how liquid explosives work and how they would be deployed by terrorists. This Howstuffworks article is the answer to such questions.
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TIME: How the plane bombing plot was thwarted
"Britain's MI-5 intelligence service and Scotland Yard had been tracking the plot for several months, but only in the past two weeks had the plotters' planning begun to crystallize, senior U.S. officials tell TIME. During the past few months the plotters' attack plans had changed."
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Poll: President Bush would lose to Kerry and Gore today
According to a survey by Scripps Howard News Service released by Ohio University which asked 1,010 "Americans to ponder their options in every U.S. presidential election held since 1964," two term President George W. Bush would lose to both Senator John Kerry and former Vice President Al Gore.
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How to Pick a Linux Distro (Distribution)
Choosing a Linux Distro (Distribution) can be a very daunting task, especially when you are new to the Linux world. "How to pick a Linux Distro (Distribution)" will be a great help and give anyone a good start into looking for a Linux distribution, especially coming from a Microsoft Windows world.
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Replace minimum wage laws with a free market in education?
Economist Walter Williams tackles minimum wage laws, shows why they don't make economic sense, and concludes by suggesting that people who want to help low-skilled workers should "do something about the rotten education that many receive".
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Bill Gates Donates $500 000 000 to AIDS Research
The Bill (and Melinda) Gates Foundation donates half a billion dollars ($100 000 000/year over the next five years) in an unexpected act of grand generosity. I can't even comprehend half a billion dollars.
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Terrorist Threat foiled to blow up aircraft
Overnight arrests have foiled threats to blow up aircraft.
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Gas station owner says state won't let him lower prices
The owners of an E85 gas station wanted to cut the price to $2, but said they had to artificially hike prices after some competitors complained Badger wasn't meeting the state's minimum markup laws.
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Rescue files with a boot CD using another OS
"Boot sector corrupt. Config.sys missing. Disk cannot be read." In other words, "You're screwed." Or are you? Just because your computer can't boot up Windows from your hard drive doesn't mean you can't boot it up with another operating system on another disk just long enough to rescue your important files.
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Why Wal-Mart wants to sell ethanol
E85 is available at only a tiny fraction of gas stations. But Fortune's Marc Gunther says the giant retailer is poised to change that.
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Survey: People only call an average of four people on their cell phones
Cell phone users spend lots of time talking into their devices, but they generally communicate with very few people. Just how few? Would you believe four?
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Skype pushes into mobile telephony market with iSkoot
Skype has taken another small but not insignificant step toward enabling it to become a user's primary telephone service: by signing a co-marketing agreement with iSkoot, a company that has developed software for mobile phones that enables them to be used to make and receive Skype calls.
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The Destruction Of American Education
Some thirty million adults in the U.S. do not have the skills to perform even the most basic tasks such as adding numbers on a bank slip, identifying a place on a map, or reading directions for taking a medication. Eleven million Americans are totally illiterate in English. | Read Story - View Comments
Town Looks To Ban Sex Offenders From Public Places...
MILLINOCKET - The town is poised to become the state's first municipality to enact an ordinance banning convicted sex offenders from loitering at parks, schools and other places children gather. | Read Story - View Comments
More humans infected with West Nile virus
BOISE --- West Nile virus claims another Idaho victim. A man from Mountain Home has come down with the virus. The Air Force says the retired airman is recovering off base.
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Pain at the gas pump expected to get worse
BOISE -- Gas prices in Idaho and across the nation continue to reach new record highs.
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Colbert's Wiki-ality rant doesn't faze
As Colbert stated, if enough people alter the page on Wikipedia, it's fact. It should have been the biggest threat to the institution of Wikipedia to date. It was a condemnation of the site's credibility. And it didn't come from the Times, or from some retired political refugee from the Kennedy era. There was just one problem: Colbert was wrong.
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Sugary drinks are piling on pounds, new report says
An extra can of soda a day can pile on 15 pounds in a single year, and the "weight of evidence" strongly suggests that this sort of increased consumption is a key reason that more people have gained weight, the researchers say.
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Unlocking Your Teen's Myspace Profile
BeNetSafe became the latest company to get its feet wet in Internet safety on Monday, launching a web-based service that lets parents track what their kids are doing and saying on the social network MySpace.
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Wal-Mart Gives Raises, Changes Pay Scale
(AP) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said it is raising wages at nearly a third of its 4,000 U.S. stores and introducing wage caps at all stores in an effort to remain competitive and meet a need for workers and managers as it continues to expand.
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Fed skips an interest rate increase - The Federal Reserve kept rates steady, warned of future rate hikes.
Central bank holds key rate at 5.25%, but it warns it will move to keep inflation in check. Stocks tread water. Crude oil holds just below $77 as supply worries. Wal-Mart to up wages at a third of its U.S. stores.
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Primes... what are they good for?
Prime numbers have applications that are important to every body every day; this is especially the case when you are communicating on the Internet.
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Sprint/Nextel deploys WiMax.
Sprint/Nextel, the nation's largest holder of radio spectrum in the precious 2.5 GHz band, has reportedly chosen to deploy Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access (WiMAX) as the foundation of its technology platform for the carrier's mobile broadband Next-Generation Network (NGN) build-out.
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The Personal Computer Turns 25
Twenty-five years have passed since IBM launched its version of the personal computer. Apple may have captured the attention of early computer hobbyists with its first products, but IBM's PC made the business world sit up and realize that personal computers could be much more than toys. And Michael Dell thinks the best is still to come.
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2 gig USB Flash Drive only $30!
A 2 gig USB Flash Drive only $30 after rebate!
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Sony MyLo: Media Player With WiFi, Skype, Browser, and Messaging
Compared to most Sony gear we've seen over the past few years, the Mylo is a breath of fresh air. The media player does MPEG-4, digital audio, and pictures. But it also has a WiFi connection and a QWERTY keyboard, for chatting on Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger (No AIM support, sorry.) Wait, wait, wait! It also works as a wireless Skype phone!
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Poll Finds That Evangelicals Are Addicted to Porn
"The poll results indicate that 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography," said Clay Jones, founder and President of Second Glance Ministries whose ministry objectives include providing people with information which will enable them to fully understand the impact of today's societal issues."
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Boost your metabolism and lose weight faster
You can change your diet and workout so your body burns more calories. Nutritionist Joy Bauer shares tips on increasing your metabolism
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Monday, August 07, 2006
Bush's Approval Rating At A Sad & Pathetic %20 With Young Americans
President George W. Bush's hopes of attracting a new generation of voters to the Republican Party may be fading, as younger Americans are far more critical of his job performance than the broader population.
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Google signs $900m MySpace deal
Google is to provide search and advertising on and other websites owned by News Corporation's Fox International Media.
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BP Shuts Biggest US Oil Field Due to Spill
Oil producer BP on Sunday began shutting down the biggest oil field in the United States, Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, after discovering a small pipeline leak, cutting output by 400,000 barrels per day and sending oil prices soaring by more than $1 a barrel.
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Happy Birthday World Wide Web!
15 years ago today, Tim Berners-Lee publicly released his WWW project onto the Internet.
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Saturday, August 05, 2006
Sprint/Nextel To Raise Speed Limit
Sprint/Nextel will raise its data-speed limit sooner than planned.
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Holographic Storage a Reality in 2006?
"What do you do when you're getting close to the limits of 2-dimensional optical technology? Well, how many dimensions do we have to work with?"
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Microsoft has hacking groups on their payroll
"Microsoft has recruited some high-profile third-party security consultants to simulate attacks against Windows Vista. Among the pen testers are members of the "Last Stage of Delirium" hacking group that discovered the flaw that caused the Blaster worm"
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"World's Worst Internet Law" Passed
The Senate has ratified a treaty under which the United States will join more than 40 other countries, mainly from Europe, in fighting crimes committed via the Internet. "The Convention is in full accord with all U.S. constitutional protections, such as free speech and other civil liberties, and will require no change to U.S. laws."
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RIAA Sues LimeWire
The RIAA has sued the popular P2P program LimeWire in federal court today. "The labels are seeking damages, including $150,000(!) per occurrence of an illegally traded file."
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Beef Producers Not Allowed to Test for Mad Cow
A Kansas beef producer, wants to reassure customers that its cattle are safe to eat by testing them all for mad cow disease. Sounds like a smart business move, but there's one problem: The federal government won't let the company do it.
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Friday, August 04, 2006
Waitress Gets Own ID Back At Bar
A bar waitress checking to see if a woman was legally old enough to drink was handed her own stolen driver's license, which was reported missing weeks earlier. | Read Story - View Comments
Bilderberg: The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory
A lot of articles blogged here on Shoutwire contains references to illuminati, fremasons, bilderberger and so on. This article can help you understand what the "builderberger society" is all about and how it fits into the big picture. | Read Story - View Comments
Ten Reasons Why America's Public Schools Are Like America's Prisons
"5. Both assume one solution for every individual. US justice policy incorrectly assumes that incarceration will solve many social problems, such as drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc. The US Department of Education assumes that federal and/or state government standards should apply to every student. Both are incorrect assumptions. Nonviolent and white-collar offenders should be rehabilitated; parents and kids should have choice and options in education. One size does not fit all." | Read Story - View Comments
Another Google Innovation: Google Maps Mobile
GMM already featured the same things that made Google Maps so cool - directions, dragable maps, integrated business contact info, those satellite photos so you could stalk people...but now it's got real time traffic reports too, with estimates of delays and congestion in 30 metropolitan areas in the US. | Read Story - View Comments
What They're Teaching Kids - One World Gov't Brainwashing Kids In School?
They are teaching high-school kids that by 2008, Canada, Mexico, and the US will be one super-continent because of NAFTA, they are teaching it in such a way, that makes it seem like that's supposed to be the normal course of history. (coincidentally, on Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas, to the Canadian border north of Duluth. Minn, Bush is quietly contructing a super-highway) | Read Story - View Comments
Is The 3rd Richest Man Willing To Emulate Buffett And Gates?
Say you're the third richest guy in the world. What should you do when the richest and second richest guys decide to spend large to make the world a better place? | Read Story - View Comments
Minimum wage bill stalls in Senate
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Senate Republicans Thursday night failed to advance a bill coupling a 40-percent increase in the minimum wage with a cut in estate taxes, which Democratic leaders had denounced as an election-year ploy.
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Linux -- The next TV Operating System
The TVs aim to make accessing video and similar online content easier than with computers, spokeswoman Mina Naito. The other companies involved are Sharp Corp., Toshiba Corp. and Hitachi Ltd.
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Report: Real U.S. Deficit in Trillions
The United States' true deficit is $2.9 trillion, more than three times the $729 billion the government claims, USA Today reported Thursday.
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FCC Supports Broadband over Power Lines
"The Federal Communications Commission decided Aug. 3 to reaffirm its stance on the deployment of broadband-over-power-line technology." "By adopting this order, the FCC rejected requests by several groups, including the amateur radio community, the aviation industry and broadcasters, to either limit the service or to disallow it completely. "
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Woman forces US record industry to drop file-sharing case
A group of US record labels agreed to drop a music piracy case in the US after the alleged file-sharer argued that it could not be proved that she downloaded any illegal music. The case may set a precedent that undermines scores of other music piracy cases.
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Introduction to 90 Online File Storage Services
"You can use them to send big files, or backup your documentations. Some services can be accessed from your web browser, others may have a client program for you to auto-backup your hard drive."
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Thursday, August 03, 2006
AOL to provide 5GB of online storage for FREE
AOL is leading the industry by providing 5GB of online storage FREE for all web users.
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China Plans to Unionize All Wal-Mart Workers
China is determined to introduce trade unions in all local Wal-Mart stores, despite the retail giant's opposition to unions among its workers.
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Green WiFi: Solar Powered Routers
By using solar power to run the router, the Green Wi-Fi setup is able to function in countries with no or unreliable power. By configuring the router to limit access when power levels are low, it can run for up to a month in low sunlight. The first implementation of the programs equipment is set to happen at the end of the summer in India.
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Australia's 1,600 foot 'Solar Tower' that can power a small city
""The tower will be over there," Davey says, pointing to a spot a mile distant where a 1,600-foot structure will rise from the ocher-colored earth. Picture a 260-foot-diameter cylinder taller than the Sears Tower encircled by a two-mile-diameter transparent canopy at ground level."
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America's First Train with Fast Wireless Internet Debuts in California.
The proof of concept, which was conducted along 16 miles of track between the Millbrae and Palo Alto stations, was deemed a success when multiple people surfed the Internet simultaneously, watched streaming video, answered e-mail and completed a large file download all while maintaining continuous connectivity at broadband speed.
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Interview With The People Working To Save Your Digital Media Rights
This is an interview with members of DefectiveByDesign, the Free Software Foundation anti-DRM campaign that sent HazMat suited protesters to Apple stores.
DefectiveByDesign is targeting Big Media, unhelpful manufacturers and content distributors in an effort to save your fair use rights in the face of restrictive laws and DRM.
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Mom uses Technology to PWN Teens.
Teenagers who toilet-papered and damaged a home now face felony vandalism charges because of a mother's extraordinary sleuthing.
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Oxygen Network Studies Girls Gone Wired
Oxygen Network, in collaboration with Teen Research Unlimited (TRU), unveiled on Wednesday the results of a study on women and technology, dubbed "Women's Watch: Girls Gone Wired."
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Meebo Launches MeeboMe
Palo Alto based Meebo is a Sequoia backed web chat company that allows users to access popular instant messaging services on a web page instead of using downloaded software.
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Toyota passes Ford as No. 2 carmaker in the U.S.
"The declines at GM, Ford and Chrysler marked the fourth- straight monthly drop for the U.S.-based automakers. Asian automakers, led by Toyota and Honda, gained U.S. market share for a 12th consecutive month."
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CNN, Cartoon Network content added to iTunes
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. and Apple Computer today announced that hit programming from CNN, Adult Swim and Cartoon Network is now available for purchase and download on the iTunes Music Store.
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006
U.S. stocks dip, hemmed in by interest-rate worries
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks edged lower Monday after a Federal Reserve official said there was still a 50-50 chance of an interest-rate hike at the central banks August meeting, but Wal-Mart Stores bucked the downtrend as its shares rose on an upbeat sales view.
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YouTube Overtakes MySpace
YouTube has established itself at the top of the league of the new generation of community websites by becoming even more popular than MySpace, according to research. According to Nielsen/NetRatings, YouTube's American user base grew by 297% in the first half of the year.
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Who Needs Congress or Courts With Bush?
As of July 11, President George W. Bush had said no (or, not unless I want to) to 807 provisions enacted by Congress that he signed into law. This compares to some 600 provisions challenged by all of Bush's predecessors combined. Whatever happened to following the laws passed by Congress?
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What the Heck Can Congress Do About High Gas Prices Immediately?
No it isn't $100 rebates. Congress should greatly reduce federal spending, balance the budget, and eliminate regulations that interfere with the market development of alternative fuels. All subsidies and special benefits to energy companies should be ended. And in the meantime let's eliminate federal gas taxes at the pump.
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Boston plans to have nonprofit run citywide Wi-Fi network
BOSTON (AP) - The city is considering an unusual approach to creating a citywide, low-cost wireless Internet network: putting a nonprofit organization, rather than a private service provider, in charge of building and running the system.
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